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Cisco 820-625 Study & Practice Exam Dumps 2024 | Real Exam Questions & Answers

Preparing for the Cisco 820-625 exam is easier when using real exam questions and answers that mirror the actual test format. These resources provide insight into the types of questions you will encounter, helping you familiarize yourself with the exam structure. Practice exams and certification practice tests are essential tools for identifying your strengths and areas needing improvement. By engaging with exam practice questions and comprehensive exam preparation materials, you can reinforce your knowledge and improve your test-taking skills. Having access to real exam questions and study materials ensures you’re thoroughly prepared, increasing your confidence and likelihood of passing the Cisco 820-625 exam on your first attempt in 2024.
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Question #1
Which list of components of a Customer Success Quarterly Success Review is common?
A. esults from prior quarter, product roadmap, proposed marketing new products, and confirm goals for the next quarter
B. esults from prior quarter, agreed actions completed, benchmarking with the market, and confirm goals for next quarter
C. esults from prior quarter, services delivered, issues and open services cases, and confirm goals for next quarter
D. esults from prior quarter, cover roadmap and promote new products, and confirm goals for next quarte
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Correct Answer: Correct An
Question #2
Which definition of customer success is true?
A. t is the business methodology of ensuring that customers achieve their expected and unexpected outcomes while using your product or service
B. t is a business methodology for increasing recurring revenues by minimizing the risk of churn while driving adoption and expansion
C. t is the business methodology of ensuring that customers are always on the latest software releases and subscription contracts so that they can focus on the core business activities that make them successful
D. t is a measure of the Net Promoter Score that results from a disciplined engagement of sales, services, marketing, and customer success teams working seamlessly to deliver a positive experience for the customer
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Correct Answer: Correct An
Question #3
Which statement describes the difference between customer success and customer sales?
A. ustomer sales is about selling solutions to meet business needs
B. ustomer sales is about getting customers to utilize their solutions to get the value they intended
C. ustomer sales is about getting customers to utilize their solutions to get the value they intended
D. ustomer sales is about selling solutions to meet business needs
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Correct Answer: Correct An
Question #4
Which type of KPI is of the most interest to Customer Success?
A. usiness KPIs that define progress to the Business Outcome
B. ales KPIs for revenue generation
C. T services KPIs for operations
D. PEX KPIs that define the operational costs of the compan
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Question #5
What is a key driver that is creating the need for customer success?
A. inancial resources
B. ubscription economy
C. dvanced specializations
D. ortfolio managemen
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Question #6
What is the main objective of customer success?
A. ustomer’s return on investment
B. nown and unknown features of our product and solutions
C. ustomer’s reduction of risk
D. utcomes customers are trying to achiev
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Question #7
Your customer's business outcome is to drive employee efficiencies. Which key metrics measure this outcome?
A. ncrease in new subscribers or increase in end users
B. umber of incidents reported or number of compliance issues
C. eduction in headcount or operational support costs
D. ustomer and employee feedback
E. umber of activities completed or increase in direct tim
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Question #8
What is a financial implication of churn?
A. oss of revenue
B. ncreased production
C. educed product utilization
D. ontract expansio
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Question #9
In an onboarding session, introductions to new stakeholders were made, new KPIs were collated, and desired use cases were discussed. Which step does the Customer Success Manager take next?
A. ocument the session, stakeholder interests, and metrics for leadership
B. reate a success plan to be reviewed with the customer at the next review meeting
C. rovide technical configuration for development
D. iscuss new opportunities and new products to purchas
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Question #10
Which of these is included in a success plan?
A. onfidential customer information
B. ustomer business outcomes
C. ustomer HR processes
D. ervices cos
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