The Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions v1.0 (SPRI 300-510) is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Service Provider Certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing service provider advanced routing technologies including routing protocols, policy language, MPLS, and segment routing. The course, Implementing Cisco Service Provider Routing Solutions, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.
The Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions v1.0 (SPRI 300-510) is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Service Provider Certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing service provider advanced routing technologies including routing protocols, policy language, MPLS, and segment routing. The course, Implementing Cisco Service Provider Routing Solutions, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.
This exam tests your knowledge of implementing core service provider network technologies, including:
1.0 Unicast Routing (35%)
1.1 Compare OSPF and IS-IS routing protocols
1.2 Troubleshoot OSPF multiarea operations
1.3 Troubleshoot IS-IS multilevel operations
1.4 Describe the BGP scalability and performance
1.5 Troubleshoot BGP
1.6 Describe IPv6 tunneling mechanisms
1.7 Implement fast convergence
2.0 Multicast Routing (15%)
2.1 Compare multicast concepts
2.2 Describe multicast concepts
2.3 Implement PIM-SM operations
2.4 Troubleshoot multicast routing
3.0 Routing Policy and Manipulation (25%)
3.1 Compare routing policy language and route maps
3.2 Describe conditional matching
3.3 Troubleshoot route manipulation for IGPs
3.4 Troubleshoot route manipulation for BGP
4.0 MPLS and Segment Routing (25%)
4.1 Troubleshoot MPLS
4.2 Implement segment routing
4.3 Describe segment routing traffic engineering
4.4 Describe segment routing v6 (SRv6)
Getting the certification will help you:
Exams are proctored, timed, and delivered in a secure environment. Most exams last approximately one to two hours. Lab exams typically last eight hours. Lab exams are Pass/Fail and results are available online (using login) within 48 hours.
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