Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks v1.1 (ENSLD 300-420) is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Enterprise Certification. This exam certifies a candidate's knowledge of enterprise design including advanced addressing and routing solutions, advanced enterprise campus networks, WAN, security services, network services, and SDA. The course, Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks, helps candidates to prepare for this exam. The earlier you purchase our 300-420 exam prep the faster you pass exam 300-420. Could you believe that? I can tell you that all candidates pass exam with our exam prep. Don't waste your time on one more time 300-420 exam. Most of our customers pass exam at first shot.
Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks v1.1 (ENSLD 300-420) is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Enterprise Certification. This exam certifies a candidate's knowledge of enterprise design including advanced addressing and routing solutions, advanced enterprise campus networks, WAN, security services, network services, and SDA. The course, Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks, helps candidates to prepare for this exam. The earlier you purchase our 300-420 exam prep the faster you pass exam 300-420. Could you believe that? I can tell you that all candidates pass exam with our exam prep. Don't waste your time on one more time 300-420 exam. Most of our customers pass exam at first shot.
Exams are proctored, timed, and delivered in a secure environment. Most exams last approximately one to two hours. Lab exams typically last eight hours. Lab exams are Pass/Fail and results are available online (using login) within 48 hours.
Candidates must acknowledge the Cisco Certifications and Confidentiality Agreement online at the authorized testing center prior to taking any Cisco Certification exam. Candidates who do not agree will not be able to proceed with the exam and a refund will not be provided. Signing this legal agreement is required.
· An Exam Tutorial is available to demonstrate the various question formats.
· Candidates will be provided with an erasable note board and marker for notes and calculations to assist them as they answer the questions.
· At the completion of the testing session, candidates will receive a score report that includes a score breakout by exam section and the passing score for the given exam.
It is a professional-level certification exam designed to test your knowledge and abilities related to designing enterprise networks. The exam covers topics such as network architectures, principles of operation, Layer 2/3 services routing protocols transport technologies system management principles security practices for network designs etc. To be successful on this exam, one must possess an in-depth knowledge of how networking components interact together to form efficient network architectures.
The Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks v1.1 (ENSLD 300-420) exam is a 90-minute assessment associated with the CCNP Enterprise certification. This exam evaluates a candidate's knowledge and skills in designing enterprise networks.
1.0 Advanced Addressing and Routing Solutions (25%)
1.1 Create structured addressing plans for IPv4 and IPv6
1.2 Create stable, secure, and scalable routing designs for IS-IS
1.3 Create stable, secure, and scalable routing designs for EIGRP
1.4 Create stable, secure, and scalable routing designs for OSPF
1.5 Create stable, secure, and scalable routing designs for BGP
1.6 Determine IPv6 migration strategies
2.0 Advanced Enterprise Campus Networks (25%)
2.1 Design campus networks for high availability (FHRP)
2.2 Design campus Layer 2 infrastructures
2.3 Design multicampus Layer 3 infrastructures
2.4 Describe SD-Access Architecture
2.5 Describe SD-Access fabric design considerations for wired and wireless access
3.0 WAN for Enterprise Networks (20%)
3.1 Describe WAN connectivity options for on-premises, hybrid, and cloud solutions
3.2 Design site-to-site VPN for on-premises, hybrid, and cloud solutions
3.3 Design high availability for enterprise WAN for on-premises, hybrid, and cloud solutions
3.4 Describe Cisco SD-WAN architecture
3.5 Describe Cisco SD-WAN design considerations
4.0 Network Services (20%)
4.1 Select QoS strategies to meet customer requirements
4.2 Design end-to-end QoS policies
4.3 Design network management techniques
4.4 Describe multicast routing concepts
4.5 Design multicast services
5.0 Automation (10%)
5.1 Differentiate between IETF, OpenConfig, and Cisco YANG models
5.2 Differentiate between NETCONF and RESTCONF
5.3 Describe the impact of model-driven telemetry on the network
5.4 Describe GRPC and GNMI
5.5 Describe cloud connectivity options such as direct connect, cloud on ramp, MPLS direct connect, and WAN integration
5.6 Describe cloud-based services model in private, public, and hybrid deployments
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