The New Product Development Professional (NPDP) exam is a 3-1/2 hours exam connected with the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA). The NPDP certification is an internationally recognized body of knowledge,which represents top-notch product development and management ability. NPDP certification recognizes and supports your commitment to process consistency and discipline. This advantage allows you to document and demonstrate your NPD knowledge and experience. It also gives you a big-picture perspective, and takes you beyond just being able "to talk about it".
The New Product Development Professional (NPDP) exam is a 3-1/2 hours exam connected with the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA). The NPDP certification is an internationally recognized body of knowledge,which represents top-notch product development and management ability. NPDP certification recognizes and supports your commitment to process consistency and discipline. This advantage allows you to document and demonstrate your NPD knowledge and experience. It also gives you a big-picture perspective, and takes you beyond just being able "to talk about it".
Before you apply, make sure you meet of the following sets of NPDP:
You will receive "NPDP Provisional status" if you pass the Certification Exam but do not yet possess the required experience. With this status, you then have up to five years to accrue the experience required to become fully NPDP certified.
Exam fee: $250 for PDMA Members and Non-Members
Prometric administers the NPDP Examination, which is computer-based. You can now take the exam in two different ways:
You won't be able to book an exam with Prometric unless you have an approved NPDP Application and an Eligibility ID.
You will have 3-1/2 hours to complete the 200-question exam. Each candidate will receive an NPD exam that is "unique" and pulls randomized questions from a larger question bank. The passing point is 75% (150 questions must be answered correctly). Your results will be provided to you immediately upon completion.
Success Stories World's Online NPDP Dumps
Certified professionals can earn up to 40-percent more than their non-certified peers.
Success Stories World's Online NPDP Dumps