Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure v1.1 (DCACI 300-620) is a 90-minute exam that is associated with the CCNP Data Center Certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of Cisco switches in ACI mode including configuration, implementation, and management.
Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure v1.1 (DCACI 300-620) is a 90-minute exam that is associated with the CCNP Data Center Certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of Cisco switches in ACI mode including configuration, implementation, and management.
The Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure v1.1 (DCACI 300-620) exam is part of the CCNP Data Center certification. This exam covers a candidate's knowledge of configuring, implementing, and managing Cisco switches in ACI mode.
1.0 ACI Fabric Infrastructure (20%)
1.1 Describe ACI topology and hardware
1.2 Describe ACI Object Model
1.3 Utilize faults, event record, and audit log
1.4 Describe ACI fabric discovery
1.5 Implement ACI policies
1.6 Implement ACI logical constructs
2.0 ACI Packet Forwarding (15%)
2.1 Describe endpoint learning
2.2 Implement bridge domain configuration knob
3.0 External Network Connectivity (20%)
3.1 Implement Layer 2 out
3.2 Implement Layer 3 out
4.0 Integrations (15%)
4.1 Implement VMware vCenter DVS integration
4.2 Describe resolution immediacy in VMM
4.3 Implement service graph
5.0 ACI Management (20%)
5.1 Implement out-of-band and in-band
5.2 Utilize syslog and snmp services
5.3 Implement configuration backup (snapshot/config import export)
5.4 Implement AAA and RBAC
5.5 Configure an upgrade
6.0 ACI Anywhere (10%)
6.1 Describe Multi-Pod
6.2 Describe Multi-Site
Exams are timed, proctored, and administered in a secure setting. The majority of tests run one to two hours. The average lab exam lasts eight hours. Lab examinations are graded on a pass/fail basis, and results are available online (after logging in) within 48 hours. Prior to taking any Cisco Certification exam, candidates must recognize the Cisco Certifications and Confidentiality Agreement online at an approved testing location. Candidates who do not agree will not be permitted to take the exam and will not receive a refund. This legal agreement must be signed. To show the various question types, an Exam Tutorial is offered. Candidates will be given an erasable note board and a marker to keep track of their notes and computations as they complete the questions. Candidates will get a score report at the end of the testing session, which will contain a score breakdown by exam part as well as the passing score for the given exam.
An exam may generally be scheduled up to six weeks in advance or on the same day. Schedule your exam at Pearson VUE if it is not a CCIE lab exam. For further information, go to the Exam Registration Information page. Visit the CCIE website for CCIE Lab Exams. Candidates who fail an exam must wait five calendar days, starting the day following the failed attempt, before taking the exam again. Candidates who fail any CCIE or CCDE written test must wait 15 calendar days before retaking the exam, starting the day after the failed attempt.
A Specialist certification is earned after passing each written proctored test. You will get an email instructing you on the following steps within 24 hours after completing your certification exam. To start the fulfillment process, you must complete the stages. Exam and certification status are recorded in the Cisco Certification Tracking System. To get alerts regarding your certification, keep your contact information up to date. After you've been certified, you'll be able to use the Cisco Certification emblem to show off your accomplishment. You must read and agree to the Cisco Certifications Logo Agreement before utilizing a logo. The Certifications Tracking System allows you to download logos.
Yes. Exam expiration dates assist us in ensuring that applicants finish multi-exam certifications in a timely manner. Exams for associate, specialist, and professional certificates are valid for three years after passing. Visit the CCIE Test Information website for information on when the written exam for the CCIE will expire.
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