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Pass Your CIPM Certification Questions & Practice Tests, Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement | SPOTO

Unlock your CIPM certification goals with SPOTO's powerful practice tests and exam questions. Our platform provides a comprehensive suite of exam prep resources, including targeted practice tests mirroring the real exam format, free sample questions for focused learning, and full-length mock exams replicating the testing experience. These resources equip you with essential experience with online exam questions, question styles, and time management techniques. Unlike unreliable exam dumps, SPOTO offers high-quality exam questions and answers that are continuously updated to reflect the latest privacy regulations and best practices. By integrating SPOTO's practice tests and questions into your study plan, you'll gain the knowledge and exam confidence needed to dominate your CIPM exam and validate your expertise in privacy program management.
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Question #1
Your company provides a SaaS tool for B2B services and does not interact with individual consumers. A client's current employee reaches out with a right to delete request. what is the most appropriate response? If your organization provides a SaaS tool for B2B services and does not interact with individual consumers, and a client's current employee reaches out with a right to delete request, the most appropriate response is to redirect the individual back to their employer to understand their rights and how
A. orward the request to the contact on file for the client asking them how they would like you to proceed
B. edirect the individual back to their employer to understand their rights and how this might impact access to company tools
C. rocess the request assuming that the individual understands the implications to their organization if their information is deleted
D. xplain you are unable to process the request because business contact information and associated data is not covered under privacy rights laws
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Correct Answer: B
Question #2
SCENARIOPlease use the following to answer the next QUESTION:Penny has recently joined Ace Space, a company that sells homeware accessories online, as its newprivacy officer. The company is based in California but thanks to some great publicity from a socialmedia influencer last year, the company has received an influx of sales from the EU and has set up aregional office in Ireland to support this expansion. To become familiar with Ace Spaces practicesand assess what her privacy priorities will be, Penny ha
A. Ace Space’s documented procedures
B. Ace Space’s employee training program
C. Ace Space’s vendor engagement protocols
D. Ace Space’s content sharing practices on social media
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Correct Answer: A
Question #3
When supporting the business and data privacy program expanding into a new jurisdiction, it isimportant to do all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Identify the stakeholders
B. Appoint a new Privacy Officer (PO) for that jurisdiction
C. Perform an assessment of the laws applicable in that new jurisdiction
D. Consider culture and whether the privacy framework will need to account for changes in culture
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Correct Answer: D
Question #4
SCENARIOPlease use the following to answer the next QUESTION:Penny has recently joined Ace Space, a company that sells homeware accessories online, as its newprivacy officer. The company is based in California but thanks to some great publicity from a socialmedia influencer last year, the company has received an influx of sales from the EU and has set up aregional office in Ireland to support this expansion. To become familiar with Ace Spaces practicesand assess what her privacy priorities will be, Penny ha
A. Audit rights
B. Liability for a data breach
C. Pricing for data security protections
D. The data a vendor will have access to
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Correct Answer: C
Question #5
Which of the following helps build trust with customers and stakeholders?
A. Only publish what is legally necessary to reduce your liability
B. Enable customers to view and change their own personal information within a dedicated portal
C. Publish your privacy policy using broad language to ensure all of your organizations activities are captured
D. Provide a dedicated privacy space with the privacy policy, explanatory documents and operation frameworks
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Correct Answer: C
Question #6
Which of the following is a physical control that can limit privacy risk? A physical control that can limit privacy risk is keypad or biometric access. This is a type of access control that restricts who can enter or access a physical location or device where personal data is stored or processed. Keypad or biometric access requires a code or a biological feature (such as a fingerprint or a face scan) to authenticate the identity and authorization of the person seeking access. This can prevent unauthorized a
A. eypad or biometric access
B. ser access reviews
C. ncryption
D. okenization
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Correct Answer: A
Question #7
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), what are the obligations of a processor that engages a sub-processor? Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the obligations of a processor that engages a sub-processor are to obtain the consent of the controller and ensure the sub-processor complies with data processing obligations that are equivalent to those that apply to the processor. The GDPR defines a processor as a natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body that
A. he processor must give the controller prior written notice and perform a preliminary audit of the sub-processor
B. he processor must Obtain the controllers specifiC written authorization and provide annual reports on the sub-processor'S performance
C. he processor must receive a written agreement that the sub-processor will be fully liable to the controller for the performance of its obligations in relation to the personal data concerned
D. he processor must obtain the consent of the controller and ensure the sub-processor complies with data processing obligations that are equivalent to those that apply to the processor
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Correct Answer: D
Question #8
SCENARIOPlease use the following to answer the next QUESTION:Penny has recently joined Ace Space, a company that sells homeware accessories online, as its newprivacy officer. The company is based in California but thanks to some great publicity from a socialmedia influencer last year, the company has received an influx of sales from the EU and has set up aregional office in Ireland to support this expansion. To become familiar with Ace Spaces practicesand assess what her privacy priorities will be, Penny ha
A. Analyze the data inventory to map data flows
B. Audit all vendors’ privacy practices and safeguards
C. Conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment for the company
D. Review all cloud contracts to identify the location of data servers used
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Correct Answer: B
Question #9
Which of the following is the optimum first step to take when creating a Privacy Officer governancemodel?
A. Involve senior leadership
B. Provide flexibility to the General Counsel Office
C. Develop internal partnerships with IT and information security
D. Leverage communications and collaboration with public affairs teams
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Correct Answer: C
Question #10
Which of the following is NOT a type of privacy program metric? Types of privacy program metrics include business enablement metrics, data enhancement metrics, and commercial metrics. Business enablement metrics measure the effectiveness of the privacy program in enabling the business to function without compromising privacy. Data enhancement metrics measure the effectiveness of the privacy program in enhancing data protection, such as through data minimization, access controls, and data security. Commercia
A. usiness enablement metrics
B. ata enhancement metrics
C. alue creation metrics
D. ommercial metrics
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Correct Answer: C
Question #11
Which of the documents below assists the Privacy Manager in identifying and responding to arequest from an individual about what personal information the organization holds about then withwhom the information is shared?
A. Risk register
B. Privacy policy
C. Records retention schedule
D. Personal information inventory
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Correct Answer: C
Question #12
When building a data privacy program, what is a good starting point to understand the scope of privacy program needs?
A. erform Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)
B. erform Risk Assessments
C. omplete a Data Inventory
D. eview Audits
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Correct Answer: C
Question #13
Which of the following is NOT an important factor to consider when developing a data retentionpolicy?
A. Technology resource
B. Business requirement
C. Organizational culture
D. Compliance requirement
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Correct Answer: A

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