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Latest Professional Cloud Architect Practice Tests and Exam Dumps 2025, Google Professional Cloud Architect | SPOTO

Prepare for the Professional Cloud Architect exam with our latest practice tests and exam dumps for 2025. Our comprehensive resources include a wide range of sample questions, mock exams, and exam materials to help you thoroughly prepare for the certification. Access our exam dumps for detailed explanations and answers to ensure you understand key concepts. Utilize our online exam questions and exam simulator to simulate real exam conditions and gauge your readiness. With our practice tests, you'll build confidence and enhance your exam preparation. Trust SPOTO for the most up-to-date study materials and expert guidance to succeed in becoming a certified Professional Cloud Architect.
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Question #1
A. Increase the size of the SSD persistent disk and verify the change by running fdisk command.
B. Increase the size of the SSD persistent disk
C. Add a new larger SSD disk and move the database files to the new disk
D. Restore snapshot of the existing disk to a bigger disk, update the instance to use new disk and restart the database
42. You have recently deconstructed a huge monolith application into numerous microservices
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Correct Answer: C

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Question #2
A. Upload the YAML configuration file to a Cloud Storage bucket and point the index configuration in App Engine application to this location.
B. Run gcloud datastore indexes create
C. In GCP Datastore Admin console, delete current configuration YAML file and upload a new configuration YAML file
D. Send a request to the App Engine’s built-in HTTP modules to update the index configuration file for your application
8. You configured a CI/CD pipeline to deploy changes to your production application, which runs on GCP Compute Engine Managed Instance Group with auto-healing enabled
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Correct Answer: E
Question #3
A. The effective policy for the VM is the policy assigned directly to the VM and restricted by the policies of its parent resource.
B. The effective policy for the VM is a union of the policy assigned to the VM and the policies it inherits from its parent resource
C. The effective policy for the VM is the policy assigned directly to the VM
D. The effective policy for the VM is an intersection of the policy assigned to the VM and the policies it inherits from its parent resource
41. You have recently migrated an on-premise MySQL database to a Linux Compute Engine instance in Google Cloud
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Correct Answer: B
Question #4
A. Export detailed Google cloud billing data to BigQuery and visualize cost reports in Google Data Studio.
B. Use Google Comput Engine VMs with Local SSD disks to store state across restarts
C. Run gcloud compute instances set-disk-auto-delete on SSD persistent disks before stopping/rebooting the VM
D. Use Google Comput Engine VMs with persistent disks to store state across restarts
E. Apply labels on VMs to export their costs to BigQuery dataset
48. Your company specializes in clickstream analytics and uses cutting edge Al-driven analysis to identify opportunities for further growth
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Correct Answer: D
Question #5
B. Relational
C. Comma Separated File
33. Your testing team recently signed off a new release, and you have now deployed this to production, however, almost immediately, you started noticing performance issues which were not visible in the test environment
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Correct Answer: A
Question #6
A. Disable autoscaling and add your Team Lead’s SSH key to the project-wide SSH Keys.
B. Carry out a rolling restart on the Managed Instance Group (MIG)
C. Disable Managed Instance Group (MIG) health check and add your
D. Team Lead’s SSH key to the project-wide SSH keys
E. Grant your Team Lead Project Viewer IAM role
6. You enabled a cron job on a Google Compute Engine to trigger a python API that connects to Google BigQuery to query data
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Correct Answer: C
Question #7
A. Google Cloud Storage.
B. Google Cloud SQL
C. Google BigQuery
D. Google Cloud Datastore
47. Your company on-premises data centre is running out of space, and your CTO thinks the cost of migrating and running all development environments in Google Cloud Platform is cheaper than the capital expenditure required to expand the existing data centre
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Correct Answer: AD
Question #8
A. Capture the trial traffic and replay several instances of it simultaneously until all layers autoscale. Then, start terminating resources in one of the zones randomly.
B. Simulate user traffic until one of the application layer autoscales
C. Start sending more traffic to the application until all layers autoscales
D. Estimate the expected traffic and update the minimum size of the Managed Instance Group (MIG) to handle 200% of the expected traffic
44. You designed a mission-critical application to have no single point of failure, yet the application suffered an outage recently
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Correct Answer: C
Question #9
A. Deploy the old codebase directly on the VM using custom scripts.
B. Revert changes in Github repository and let the CI/CD pipeline deploy the
C. previous codebase to the production environment
D. Fix the issue directly on the VM
E. Modify the Managed Instance Group (MIG) to use the previous instance template, terminate all instances and let autohealing bring back the instances on the previous template
9. Your company has deployed a wide range of application across several Google Cloud projects in the organization
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Correct Answer: C
Question #10
A. Google Cloud Datastore.
B. Google Cloud Bigtable
C. Google Cloud SQL
D. Google Cloud Storage
37. Your company recently migrated an application from the on-premises data centre to Google Cloud by lifting and shifting the VMs and the database
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Correct Answer: A
Question #11
A. Add network tags to each tier. Configure firewall rules based on network tags to allow the desired traffic.
B. Install a firewall service on the individual VMs and configure to allow the desired traffic
C. Add network tags to each tier
D. Set up different subnets for each tier
32. Your company installs and services elevators and escalators
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Correct Answer: A
Question #12
A. Store logs in multiple locations.
B. Sign the log entry digitally and store the signature
C. Store log entries in JSON format in a Cloud Storage Bucket
D. Store logs in a database such as Cloud SQL or Cloud Spanner
28. You have deployed several batch jobs on preemptible Google Compute Engine Linux virtual machines
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Correct Answer: B
Question #13
A. Install gcloud SDK, gsutil, and bq components on the VM.
B. Provision a new VM with BigQuery access scope enabled, and migrate both the cron job and python API to the new VM
C. Configure the Python API to use a service account with relevant BigQuery access enabled
D. Update Python API to use the latest BigQuery API client library
7. You deployed an application in App Engine Standard service that uses indexes in Datastore for every query your application makes
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Correct Answer: B
Question #14
A. Upload reporting data of both companies to a Cloud Storage bucket, point
B. Datalab at the bucket and clean data as necessary
C. Configure Cloud Dataprep to connect to your on-premises reporting systems and clean data as necessary
D. Upload reporting data of both companies to a Cloud Storage bucket, explore the bucket data in Cloud Dataprep and clean data as necessary
E. Configure Cloud Datalab to connect to your on-premises reporting systems and clean your data as necessary
5. Your company has a deadline to migrate all on-premises applications to Google Cloud Platform
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Correct Answer: C
Question #15
A. Send metrics from each microservice at each request start and request end to custom Cloud Monitoring metrics.
B. Decrease timeouts on each microservice so that requests fail faster and are retried
C. Update your application with Cloud Trace and break down the latencies at each microservice
D. Look for APIs with high latency in Cloud Monitoring Insights
43. Your company developed a new weather forecasting application and deployed it in Google cloud
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Correct Answer: C
Question #16
A. Migrate logs to Cloud SQL for long term storage and analytics.
B. Migrate log files to Cloud Logging for long term storage
C. Migrate log files to Google Cloud Storage for long term storage
D. Import logs from Google Cloud Storage to Google BigQuery for analytics
E. Import logs to Google Cloud Bigtable for analytics
46. Your company holds multiple petabytes of data which includes historical stock prices for all stocks from all world financial markets
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Correct Answer: C
Question #17
A. Continue using the existing CI/CD solution to deploy new releases to the production, but enable a mechanism to roll back quickly, e.g. Blue/Green deployments etc.
B. Continue using the existing CI/CD solution to deploy new releases to the production environment and carry out testing with live-traffic
C. Configure the CI/CD solution to monitor tags in the repository
D. Use App Engine’s traffic splitting feature to enable the new version for 1% of users before rolling it out to all users
40. Your company enabled set Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies at different levels of the resource hierarchy – VMs, projects, folders and organization
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Correct Answer: B
Question #18
A. Use Google App Engine Standard.
B. Use Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
C. Use Managed Instance Groups (MIG) Compute Engine instances
D. Use Google Compute Engine with custom VM images
E. Use custom container orchestration on Google Compute Engine
50. You have a business-critical application deployed in a non-autoscaling Managed Instance Group (MIG)
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Correct Answer: D
Question #19
A. Configure a shutdown script with xinetd service in Linux. Add a metadata tag with key as shutdown-script-url and value as service url.
B. When provisioning the VM, add a metadata tag with key as shutdown-script and value as the path to a local shutdown script
C. Add a shutdown script to /etc/rc
D. Configure a shutdown script with xinetd service in Linux
29. Your company has hybrid network architecture with workloads running primarily off the on-premises data centre and GCP as the failover location
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Correct Answer: D
Question #20
A. Write a custom script to retrieve all logs (IS -Irt gs:///**) in the bucketand delete logs older than 90 days. Schedule the script using cron.
B. Enable a lifecycle management rule to delete logs older than 90 days by pushing the lifecycle configuration in JSON format to the bucket using gsutil
C. Write a custom script to retrieve top-level logs (t5 -It gs:///**) in the bucket and delete logs older than 90 days
D. Enable a lifecycle management rule to delete logs older than 90 days by pushingthe lifecycle configuration in XML format to the bucket using gsutil
30. You have recently deconstructed a huge monolith application into multiple microservices
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Correct Answer: D
Question #21
A. Snapshot database more frequently.
B. Migrate database to an instance with more CPU
C. Carry out planned failover periodically
D. Migrate to a different database
45. Your company has accumulated 200 TB of logs in the on-premises data centre
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Correct Answer: CD
Question #22
A. 1. Save user data in Cloud SQL. 2. Serve the web tier on a single Google Compute Engine Instance.
B. 1
C. 1
D. 1
39. You just migrated an application to Google Compute Engine
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Correct Answer: C
Question #23
A. Delete the existing cluster, create new GKE cluster by running: gcloud container clusters create weatherapp_cluster -enable-autoscaling -min-nodes=1 — max-nodes=10 and deploy the application to the new cluster.
B. Update existing GKE cluster to enable autoscaling and set min and max nodes by running: gcloud container clusters update weatherapp_cluster -enable-autoscaling -min-nodes=1 –max-nodes=10
C. Add tags to the instance to enable autoscaling and set max nodes to 10 by running: gcloud compute instances add-tags – tags enable-autoscaling – max-nodes-10
D. Resize the GKE cluster node pool to have 10 nodes, enough to handle spikes in traffic by running: gcloud container clusters resize weatherapp_cluster -size 10
36. Your company specializes in clickstream analytics and uses advanced machine learning to identify opportunities for further growth
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Correct Answer: B
Question #24
A. Resize SSD persistent disk dynamically to 400 GB.
B. Increase CPU & RAM to 64 GB to compensate for throughput and network IOPS
C. Migrate the database to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL
D. Use BigQuery instead of MySQL
38. Your company is a leading online news media organization that has customers all over the world
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Correct Answer: B
Question #25
A. Use free tier where possible and sustained use discounts. Recruit a GCP cost management expert to help minimize operational cost.
B. Use free tier where possible and committed use discounts
C. Use free tier where possible and sustained use discounts
D. Use free tier where possible and committed use discounts
35. You recently migrated an application from on-premises Kubernetes cluster to Google Kubernetes Cluster
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Correct Answer: B
Question #26
A. Store the database credentials in application source code.
B. Store the database credentials as environment variables in each microservice
C. Store the database credentials in a file in Cloud Storage and restrict access through object ACL
D. Store the database credentials in GCP Secrets Management
31. Your company owns several brands for online news publications and plans to migrate them to Google Cloud
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Correct Answer: A
Question #27
A. Carry out testing in test and staging environments with production-like volume.
B. Split the change into smaller units and deploy one unit at a time to identify what causes performance issues
C. Deploy less number of changes to production
D. Enable new version to 1% of users before rolling out to all users
34. All your company’s workloads currently run from an on-premises data centre
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Correct Answer: C
Question #28
A. Use Cloud VPN.
B. Set up a custom VPN server on a Google Compute Engine instance to connect to the on-premises network
C. Use TLS & NAT translation gateway
D. Use Dedicated Interconnect
3. Your company has accumulated vast quantities of logs in Cloud Storage over the last 4 years
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Correct Answer: B
Question #29
A. Google Cloud Dataproc.
B. Google Compute Engine with Google BigQuery
C. Google Kubernetes Engine with Bigtable
D. Google Cloud Dataflow
49. Your company recently acquired a health care start-up
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Correct Answer: D
Question #30
A. Modify the instance template to add public IP addresses to the VMs, terminate all existing instances, update Load Balancer configuration to contact instances on public IP.
B. Add a load balancer tag to each instance
C. Make sure firewall rules allow health check traffic to the VM instances
D. Check load balancer firewall rules and ensure it can receive HTTP(s) traffic
4. A mission-critical application has experienced outage recently due to a new release
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Correct Answer: C

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