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CIA Part 2 Practice Questions & Tests | Certified Internal Auditor Exam Prep

Practicing with our CIA Part 2 practice questions is the closest way to prepare for the real exam. Our questions are designed to simulate the actual exam format and difficulty level, ensuring that you're well-prepared for what to expect on test day. By working through these questions, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the exam topics, identify areas where you need to improve, and build your confidence. Our practice tests also provide a valuable opportunity to assess your progress and gauge your readiness for the CIA Part 2 exam. With our comprehensive practice materials, you'll be well on your way to achieving CIA certification.

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Question #1
Which statement best describes the benefit of using workpapers from recent internal audit engagements of the area under review to plan new engagements?
A. Recent workpapers can help during the planning of a new engagement to understand any corrective actions taken by management to address previous engagement observations
B. Tests described in recent workpapers can be copied into the new workpapers to save time from reperforming a risk assessment
C. Recent workpapers serve as the best source for identification of the risks to be examined in the new engagement
D. The new engagement scope can be derived from recent workpapers to ensure the reperformance of engagement procedures
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Correct Answer: A
Question #2
In which of the following situations would an internal control naire best suit the internal auditor's purpose?
A. The auditor wants to receive mid-level management insight on how to improve hiring practices
B. The auditor wants to obtain information on whether adherence to approval matrices is actually taking place in different maintenance units
C. The auditor wants to gain assurance that inventory counts are conducted in accordance with established procedures
D. The auditor wants to assess whether different subsidiaries apply centrally established procurement rules in the same manner
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Correct Answer: D
Question #3
An internal auditor decides to conduct a physical inspection of property at a warehouse rather than having the warehouse manager provide signed documentation of the current inventory. This decision is an indication that the auditor is focused on obtaining what type of evidence?
A. Sufficient evidence
B. Reliable evidence
C. Relevant evidence
D. Useful evidence
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Correct Answer: B
Question #4
At a non-governmental organization, an internal auditor performed an engagement to determine the effectiveness of its food donation program. The auditor identified that 20% of food distributions went to individuals ineligible for the program. Additionally, only 300 out of 400 distributions made were supported by proper documentation. Based on these findings, which of the following conclusions would the auditor communicate to senior management for review and action?
A. The deficiencies identified during the engagement raise concerns about the organization's ability to continue its operations
B. The deficiencies identified in the food distribution program indicate the organization has been the target of fraudulent activity
C. The deficiencies identified in tracking food donations could hamper the organization's ability to achieve effective distribution
D. The deficiencies identified warrant an immediate suspension of the food distribution program until controls are implemented to correct weaknesses
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Correct Answer: C
Question #5
Which of the following approaches would best help an internal auditor determine whether a retailer's database of 100,000 customers has any duplicate accounts?
A. Stratifying the customer information
B. Extracting the customer information
C. Filtering the customer information
D. Sorting the customer information
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Correct Answer: D
Question #6
If an engagement supervisor discovers insufficient information to draw a conclusion in workpapers, which action should she take first?
A. Assign another auditor to complete the audit step and produce a new error-free workpaper
B. Document the problem as a review comment and continue with the audit
C. Discuss the matter with the auditor who produces the workpapers and improve the training manual
D. Complete the audit step herself to ensure accuracy and take additional steps to improve the audit training plan
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Correct Answer: C
Question #7
Upon concluding the engagement fieldwork, an internal auditor discusses the audit findings with operational management. There is a greater likelihood that the auditor will obtain a responsive action plan from management when both parties agree on which of the following attributes of the audit finding?
A. Criteria
B. Condition
C. Cause
D. Effect
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Correct Answer: A
Question #8
Which of the following documents should an internal auditor include in the workpapers as the best evidence to support a finding that the organization overpaid employees for travel expenses?
A. A copy of the organization's established policies and procedures for authorizing travel expenses
B. An analysis of recent travel vouchers of employees who were reimbursed by the organization
C. An example of a travel voucher, including authorization, that would be acceptable to submit for reimbursement
D. A list of employees who are responsible for approving travel vouchers for payment
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Correct Answer: B
Question #9
An audit observation states the following:"Internal policy prohibits employees from entering into contracts with financial obligations without proper approval. A project manager signed a change to an a important service agreement without obtaining the proper approval. As a result, the organization is receiving $ 5,000 per month less for its services." Which of the following should be added to the observation?
A. The reason for not following the internal policy
B. A description of what constitutes proper approval
C. The annual impact of the changed agreement on cash flows
D. Details regarding when the change to the agreement was signed
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Correct Answer: A
Question #10
In which of the following situations has an internal auditor obtained physical evidence?
A. An internal auditor made purchases from several of the organization's retail outlets to evaluate customer service
B. An internal auditor interviewed various employees regarding health and safety issues and recorded their answers
C. An internal auditor obtained the current quarterly financial report and computed changes in debt-to-equity ratio
D. An internal auditor received a signed confirmation regarding the ters of a transaction from an independent attorney
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Correct Answer: A
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