CCIE Routing and Switching - 400-101 Exam:

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CCIE Routing and Switching - 400-101 Exam:

The Cisco Certified Internetwork Experts Routing and Switching or CCIE R&S written exam is to validate that the professionals are having the expertise to validate, configure, and troubleshoot the complex enterprise infrastructure of the network; and also understand how the components of the infrastructure to translate; and interoperate the functional requirements into the specific configurations of the device. The exam code of this CCIE R&S Exam is 400-101 Exam.


The Certification of CCIE R&S is going to certify the skills which are required of an expert-level of network engineers in order to plan; operate and troubleshoot complex, congregated network infrastructure.


Prerequisites of CCIE R&S 400-101 Exam:

Though there are no formal prerequisites for the CCIE R&S certification. Other professional certifications or training courses are not required to appear for this certification. Instead, the candidates must have to pass the written qualification exam at the first time and then the equivalent hands-on lab exam. You should have an in-depth understanding of the topics which are mentioned in the exam blueprints and strongly encouraged to have three to five years of job experience before attempting this certification.


CCIE R&S Written Exam:

The first step of this certification is the CCIE R&S Certification. You should pass the written qualification exam, the two-hour, which would be covering the networking concepts and some equipment commands before you are able to elect to schedule the lab exam.


CCIE R&S Lab Exam:

The next module in this certification is the CCIE R&S Lab Exam. It consists of the eight-hour lab exam tests your ability to configure actual equipment and troubleshoot the network in a timed test situation. You must make an initial attempt at the CCIE lab exam about18-months of passing the CCIE written exam. Candidates, who are unable to clear the CCIE R&S Exam, must have to reattempt the lab exam within the 12 months of their last scored attempt in order for their written exam to remain valid. If you do not pass the lab exam within the three years of clearing the written exam, you should also retake the written exam before you have been allowed to attempt the lab exam again.

Taking CCIE R&S 400-101 exam:

In order to earn this Cisco certification, you must have to pass the CCIE Written Exam which is about two-hour qualification exam, which is to be taken at a Cisco-authorized Pearson VUE testing center. The exam uses an amalgamation of multiple choice questions and simulations in order to assess the skills which are listed under the Exam Topics. This Exam is going to be a closed book exam and no reference materials would be allowed. The Next Module for the CCIE R&S Certification is the Lab Exam which consists of about eight-hour lab exam which is going to tests your ability to configure the actual equipment and troubleshoot the network in a timed-based test situation. You should also join some training institution which could help you to gain knowledge about the CCIE R&S Certification. The best one would be the SPOTO CCIE Club, they provide you the best study dumps for the Cisco Certification.



The CCIEs holders are required to recertify themselves every two years. An Active CCIE status shows that you are committed to maintaining the expert-level knowledge in an industry which is critical for the success of every virtual organization. CCIEs are encouraged to expand their technical knowledge persistently and are also required to pass a recertification exam every two years. If you do not complete your recertification before the deadlines, then your CCIE certification might get suspended and you and your employer would lose the benefits which are associated with your expert status. You will have one year in order to reinstate your CCIE R&S status before you become inactive and you must begin the certification process all over again.