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CCNP 300 915

Once you are in the program, you will learn about everything in detail and you can then take the advanced training which is very difficult and complex. This will require even more work, around a year to complete. After this you will be ready to take the CCNA exam.,Before getting your Cisco certification, you should always get to know the company that you plan to work for. This will help you gain a better understanding of what the company is about and what it is offering. This can give you a better perspective on whether or not you feel that you will be able to make a success in your career in this field.|You will need to do the Cisco fieldwork experience by either taking the exam through an online site, or by taking a test that is offered by a Cisco company. Either way, you will get to test your skills on the real exam and learn the concepts that you will need in order to pass the exam.,The first type of Cisco certification is the CCNA. This certification gives people the knowledge to work in a business setting. The second type of Cisco certification is the CCNP. This certification will give people the knowledge to work in an IT environment.

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CCNP 300 915

Once you are in the program, you will learn about everything in detail and you can then take the advanced training which is very difficult and complex. This will require even more work, around a year to complete. After this you will be ready to take the CCNA exam.,Before getting your Cisco certification, you should always get to know the company that you plan to work for. This will help you gain a better understanding of what the company is about and what it is offering. This can give you a better perspective on whether or not you feel that you will be able to make a success in your career in this field.|You will need to do the Cisco fieldwork experience by either taking the exam through an online site, or by taking a test that is offered by a Cisco company. Either way, you will get to test your skills on the real exam and learn the concepts that you will need in order to pass the exam.,The first type of Cisco certification is the CCNA. This certification gives people the knowledge to work in a business setting. The second type of Cisco certification is the CCNP. This certification will give people the knowledge to work in an IT environment.

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