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Unlock Success with CISM Pracatice Questions, Certified Information Security Manager | SPOTO

Prepare thoroughly for the ISACA CISM exam with our premium practice tests and real exam simulations. Our meticulously crafted materials cover essential topics including information security governance, risk management, incident management, and regulatory compliance. Gain confidence with our mock exams and sample questions, designed to mimic the format and difficulty level of the actual test. Access our comprehensive exam preparation resources, including exam questions and answers, to refine your skills and knowledge. With our exam simulator, you can experience the exam environment firsthand, ensuring you're fully prepared on exam day. Say goodbye to unreliable exam dumps and embrace a reliable, effective method for mastering the CISM exam. Try our free test today and elevate your exam practice to the next level.
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Question #1
To ensure that payroll systems continue on in an event of a hurricane hitting a data center, what would be the FIRS T crucial step an information security manager would take in ensuring business continuity planning?
A. Conducting a qualitative and quantitative risk analysi
B. Assigning value to the asset
C. Weighing the cost of implementing the plan v
D. financial los
E. Conducting a business impact analysis (BIA)
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Correct Answer: B
Question #2
Which of the following would be MOST effective in successfully implementing restrictive password policies?
A. Regular password audits
B. Single sign-on system
C. Security awareness program
D. Penalties for noncompliance
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Correct Answer: C
Question #3
From an information security perspective, information that no longer supports the main purpose of the business should be:
A. analyzed under the retention polic
B. protected under the information classification polic
C. analyzed under the backup polic
D. protected under the business impact analysis (BIA)
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Correct Answer: A
Question #4
Which of the following will BEST prevent external security attacks?
A. Static IP addressing
B. Network address translation
C. Background checks for temporary employees
D. Securing and analyzing system access logs
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Correct Answer: B
Question #5
Which of the following are the essential ingredients of a business impact analysis (B1A)?
A. Downtime tolerance, resources and criticality
B. Cost of business outages in a year as a factor of the security budget
C. Business continuity testing methodology being deployed
D. Structure of the crisis management team
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Correct Answer: B
Question #6
In order to highlight to management the importance of network security, the security manager should FIRST:
A. develop a security architectur
B. install a network intrusion detection system (NIDS) and prepare a list of attack
C. develop a network security polic
D. conduct a risk assessmen
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Correct Answer: D
Question #7
A good privacy statement should include:
A. notification of liability on accuracy of informatio
B. notification that information will be encrypte
C. what the company will do with information it collect
D. a description of the information classification proces
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Correct Answer: B
Question #8
Which of the following steps in conducting a risk assessment should be performed FIRST?
A. Identity business assets
B. Identify business risks
C. Assess vulnerabilities
D. Evaluate key controls
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Correct Answer: D
Question #9
The FIRST step in establishing a security governance program is to:
A. conduct a risk assessmen
B. conduct a workshop for all end user
C. prepare a security budge
D. obtain high-level sponsorshi
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Correct Answer: D
Question #10
An organization is already certified to an international security standard. Which mechanism would BEST help to further align the organization with other data security regulatory requirements as per new business needs?
A. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
B. Business impact analysis (BIA)
C. Gap analysis
D. Technical vulnerability assessment
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Correct Answer: C
Question #11
Which of the following controls would BEST prevent accidental system shutdown from the console or operations area?
A. Redundant power supplies
B. Protective switch covers
C. Shutdown alarms
D. Biometric readers
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Correct Answer: B
Question #12
Which of the following is the BEST justification to convince management to invest in an information security program?
A. Cost reduction
B. Compliance with company policies
C. Protection of business assets
D. Increased business value
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Correct Answer: B
Question #13
What is the BEST technique to determine which security controls to implement with a limited budget?
A. Risk analysis
B. Annualized loss expectancy (ALE) calculations
C. Cost-benefit analysis
D. Impact analysis
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Correct Answer: C
Question #14
Quantitative risk analysis is MOST appropriate when assessment data:
A. include customer perception
B. contain percentage estimate
C. do not contain specific detail
D. contain subjective informatio
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Correct Answer: D
Question #15
Acceptable levels of information security risk should be determined by:
A. legal counse
B. security managemen
C. external auditor
D. die steering committe
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Correct Answer: D
Question #16
Effective IT governance is BEST ensured by:
A. utilizing a bottom-up approac
B. management by the IT departmen
C. referring the matter to the organization's legal departmen
D. utilizing a top-down approac
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Correct Answer: B

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