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Premium Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Sample and Realistic Exam Simulations, Google Associate Cloud Engineer | SPOTO

Elevate your Google Associate Cloud Engineer exam preparation with our premium exam samples and realistic exam simulations. Gain an unparalleled learning experience with our meticulously crafted exam materials, featuring regularly updated exam dumps with a vast collection of exam questions and answers that accurately mirror the real certification exam. Immerse yourself in a realistic testing environment with our online exam questions, mock exams, and exam simulator, designed to hone your skills in deploying applications, monitoring operations, and managing enterprise solutions on Google Cloud. Leverage our comprehensive sample questions, in-depth explanations, and exam practice resources to identify knowledge gaps and refine your understanding of the Google Cloud Console, command-line interface, and platform-based tasks. Unlock your full potential with our free tests and premium exam preparation tools, empowering you to master Google-managed and self-managed services. Achieve certification excellence with our unrivaled Associate Cloud Engineer exam samples and simulations.
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Question #1
You created an instance of SQL Server 2017 on Compute Engine to test features in the new version. You want to connect to this instance using the fewest number of steps. What should you do?
A. Install a RDP client on your desktop
B. Install a RDP client in your desktop
C. Set a Windows password in the GCP Console
D. Set a Windows username and password in the GCP Console
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Correct Answer: B
Question #2
You want to configure autohealing for network load balancing for a group of Compute Engine instances that run in multiple zones, using the fewest possible steps. You need to configure re-creation of VMs if they are unresponsive after 3 attempts of 10 seconds each. What should you do?
A. Create an HTTP load balancer with a backend configuration that references an existing instance group
B. Create an HTTP load balancer with a backend configuration that references an existing instance group
C. Create a managed instance group
D. Create a managed instance group
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Correct Answer: D
Question #3
You are using multiple configurations for gcloud. You want to review the configured Kubernetes Engine cluster of an inactive configuration using the fewest possible steps. What should you do?
A. Use gcloud config configurations describe to review the output
B. Use gcloud config configurations activate and gcloud config list to review the output
C. Use kubectl config get-contexts to review the output
D. Use kubectl config use-context and kubectl config view to review the output
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Correct Answer: D
Question #4
You recently deployed a new version of an application to App Engine and then discovered a bug in the release. You need to immediately revert to the prior version of the application. What should you do?
A. Run gcloud app restore
B. On the App Engine page of the GCP Console, select the application that needs to be reverted and click Revert
C. On the App Engine Versions page of the GCP Console, route 100% of the traffic to the previous version
D. Deploy the original version as a separate application
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Correct Answer: D
Question #5
You want to select and configure a cost-effective solution for relational data on Google Cloud Platform. You are working with a small set of operational data in one geographic location. You need to support point-in-time recovery. What should you do?
A. Select Cloud SQL (MySQL)
B. Select Cloud SQL (MySQL)
C. Select Cloud Spanner
D. Select Cloud Spanner
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Correct Answer: A
Question #6
You need to create a new billing account and then link it with an existing Google Cloud Platform project. What should you do?
A. Verify that you are Project Billing Manager for the GCP project
B. Verify that you are Project Billing Manager for the GCP project
C. Verify that you are Billing Administrator for the billing account
D. Verify that you are Billing Administrator for the billing account
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Correct Answer: C
Question #7
You need to create a custom VPC with a single subnet. The subnet's range must be as large as possible. Which range should you use?
A. 0
B. 10
C. 172
D. 192
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Correct Answer: B
Question #8
You significantly changed a complex Deployment Manager template and want to confirm that the dependencies of all defined resources are properly met before committing it to the project. You want the most rapid feedback on your changes. What should you do?
A. Use granular logging statements within a Deployment Manager template authored in Python
B. Monitor activity of the Deployment Manager execution on the Stackdriver Logging page of the GCP Console
C. Execute the Deployment Manager template against a separate project with the same configuration, and monitor for failures
D. Execute the Deployment Manager template using the –-preview option in the same project, and observe the state of interdependent resources
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Correct Answer: D
Question #9
You need to set up a policy so that videos stored in a specific Cloud Storage Regional bucket are moved to Coldline after 90 days, and then deleted after one year from their creation. How should you set up the policy?
A. Use Cloud Storage Object Lifecycle Management using Age conditions with SetStorageClass and Delete actions
B. Use Cloud Storage Object Lifecycle Management using Age conditions with SetStorageClass and Delete actions
C. Use gsutil rewrite and set the Delete action to 275 days (365-90)
D. Use gsutil rewrite and set the Delete action to 365 days
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Correct Answer: A
Question #10
You are building a pipeline to process time-series data. Which Google Cloud Platform services should you put in boxes 1,2,3, and 4?
A. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Datastore, BigQuery
B. Firebase Messages, Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Spanner, BigQuery
C. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Cloud Bigtable
D. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Bigtable, BigQuery
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Correct Answer: D
Question #11
You have a project for your App Engine application that serves a development environment. The required testing has succeeded and you want to create a new project to serve as your production environment. What should you do?
A. Use gcloud to create the new project, and then deploy your application to the new project
B. Use gcloud to create the new project and to copy the deployed application to the new project
C. Create a Deployment Manager configuration file that copies the current App Engine deployment into a new project
D. Deploy your application again using gcloud and specify the project parameter with the new project name to create the new project
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Correct Answer: C
Question #12
Every employee of your company has a Google account. Your operational team needs to manage a large number of instances on Compute Engine. Each member of this team needs only administrative access to the servers. Your security team wants to ensure that the deployment of credentials is operationally efficient and must be able to determine who accessed a given instance. What should you do?
A. Generate a new SSH key pair
B. Ask each member of the team to generate a new SSH key pair and to send you their public key
C. Ask each member of the team to generate a new SSH key pair and to add the public key to their Google account
D. Generate a new SSH key pair
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Correct Answer: D
Question #13
You have 32 GB of data in a single file that you need to upload to a Nearline Storage bucket. The WAN connection you are using is rated at 1 Gbps, and you are the only one on the connection. You want to use as match of the rated 1 Gbps as possible to transfer the file rapidly. How should you upload the file?
A. Use the GCP Console to transfer the file instead of gsutil
B. Enable parallel composite uploads using gsutil on the file transfer
C. Decrease the TCP window size on the machine initiating the transfer
D. Change the storage class of the bucket from Nearline to Multi-Regional
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Correct Answer: B
Question #14
You have one GCP account running in your default region and zone and another account running in a non-default region and zone. You want to start a new Compute Engine instance in these two Google Cloud Platform accounts using the command line interface. What should you do?
A. Create two configurations using gcloud config configurations create [NAME]
B. Create two configurations using gcloud config configurations create [NAME]
C. Activate two configurations using gcloud configurations activate [NAME]
D. Activate two configurations using gcloud configurations activate [NAME]
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Correct Answer: C
Question #15
Your company uses Cloud Storage to store application backup files for disaster recovery purposes. You want to follow Google's recommended practices. Which storage option should you use?
A. Multi-Regional Storage
B. Regional Storage
C. Nearline Storage
D. Coldline Storage
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Correct Answer: D
Question #16
You want to verify the IAM users and roles assigned within a GCP project named my-project. What should you do?
A. Run gcloud iam roles list
B. Run gcloud iam service-accounts list
C. Navigate to the project and then to the IAM section in the GCP Console
D. Navigate to the project and then to the Roles section in the GCP Console
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Correct Answer: D

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