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Pass Your F5 101 Certification Questions & Practice Tests, 101-Application Delivery Fundamentals | SPOTO

Achieving the Certified F5 BIG-IP Administrator credential requires passing the F5 101-Application Delivery Fundamentals exam, which tests your skills in managing Application Delivery Networks. SPOTO offers comprehensive resources to help you prepare effectively and pass the exam on your first attempt. Our exam questions and answers, along with practice tests and mock exams, cover all the exam objectives, ensuring you have a thorough understanding of the concepts. Our exam dumps and sample questions simulate the real exam environment, boosting your confidence and familiarity with the exam format. Additionally, our online exam simulators and exam preparation materials provide an immersive learning experience. With SPOTO's extensive collection of exam questions, answers, free tests, and study resources, you can master the Application Delivery Fundamentals and expedite your journey towards becoming a Certified F5 BIG-IP Administrator in a short period.
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Question #1
Monitors can be assigned to which three resources? (Choose three.)
A. Pools
B. Servers
C. Wide IPs
D. Data Centers
E. Pool Members
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Correct Answer: ACD
Question #2
A site wishes to use an external monitor. Other than what is coded in the monitor script,what information must be configured on the BIGIP for the monitor to be functional?(Choose two.)
A. BIG-IP services that are running on the system to be tested
B. BIG-IP the IP addresses of the devices that will be tested
C. BIG-IP node or member the result are to be applied to
D. BIG-IP must know the name of the program
E. BIG-IP must know which function the program is going to test
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Correct Answer: BE
Question #3
Which three parameters can be specified within the Setup Utility? (Choose three.)
A. Password of the "root" user
B. IP address of an NTP server
C. IP address of an initial WideIP
D. IP address restrictions for ssh access
E. All necessary administrative IP addresses (including floating addresses)
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Correct Answer: B
Question #4
The partial configuration below includes an iRule, a virtual server, and pools. When trafficfrom the client at connects to the virtual server Test_VS and sends anHTTP request, what will the client's source address be translated to as the traffic is sent tothe chosen pool member? poolTest_Pool { member member } snatpoollower_range { member } snatpoolupper_range { member } ruleTest_iRule { when CLIENT_ACCEPTED.{ if { [TCP::local_port] < 202
A. 160
B. It could be either 10
C. 10
D. 200
E. 10
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Correct Answer: CD
Question #5
Which file contains the list of events for which the GTM System will send traps to an SNMPmanager?
A. /etc/snmpd
B. /etc/syslog-ng
C. /etc/alertd/alert
D. /etc/gtm_snmptrap
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Correct Answer: D
Question #6
Which three can be a part of a pool's definition? (Choose three.)
A. Link
B. Monitors
C. Wide IPs
D. Persistence
E. Data Centers
F. Virtual Servers
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Correct Answer: C
Question #7
Which two daemons only run after the entire license process has been completed? (Choosetwo.)
A. zrd
B. tmm
C. ntpd
D. gtmd
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Correct Answer: D
Question #8
When is a Virtual Server hosted by an LTM System defined with two IP addresses?
A. Two addresses are used to define the Virtual Server when it is managed by redundantLTM Systems
B. Two addresses are used to define some Virtual Servers so that the GTM System canchoose the better address when resolving the name
C. Two addresses are used to define Virtual Servers when the LTM System hosting it isbehind a firewall that is translating the Virtual Server address
D. Two addresses are used to define a Virtual Server when the WideIP should resolve to adifferent address depending on which LTM System is active
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Correct Answer: C
Question #9
What are two advantages of the Quality of Service (QoS) load balancing method? (Choosetwo.)
A. It resolves requests to the site with the highest QoS value in the IP header
B. It combines multiple load balancing metric values in a single load balancing method
C. It allows the GTM administrator to place relative values on each metric used to determinethe optimum site
D. It allows the GTM System to select the optimum virtual server based on all available pathand server metrics
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Correct Answer: B
Question #10
If the config tool is complete, which two access methods are available by default for GTMadministration and configuration? (Choose two.)
A. network access via http
B. network access via https
C. network access via telnet
D. direct access via serial port
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Correct Answer: AD
Question #11
With standard DNS, assuming no DNS request failures, which process describes the normalresolution process on a "first time" DNS request?
A. Client requests address from root server, root server returns IP address to Authoritative DNS, Authoritative DNS returns requested IP address, LDNS returns requested IPaddress to client
B. Client requests address from LDNS, LDNS requests from GTM, GTM requests fromAuthoritative DNS, Authoritative DNS returns requested IP address, LDNS returnsrequested IP address to client
C. Client requests address from LDNS, Authoritative DNS receives request from root server,root server returns LDNS address, LDNS returns client address, Authoritative DNSreturns requested IP address, LDNS returns requested IP address to client
D. Client requests address from LDNS, LDNS requests from root server, root server returnsAuthoritative DNS address, LDNS requests from Authoritative DNS, Authoritative DNSreturns requested IP address, LDNS returns requested IP address to client
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Correct Answer: B

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