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Pass Your Exams with Oracle 1Z0-997 Exam Questions & Answers, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2025 Architect | SPOTO

Achieve success in your Oracle 1Z0-997 exam with SPOTO's comprehensive resources for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2025 Architect certification. Our platform offers a wide array of exam preparation materials, including practice tests, free tests, sample questions, and exam dumps. Dive into our online exam questions and answers to strengthen your understanding of key concepts crucial for the exam. Our mock exams are designed to simulate real exam conditions, providing invaluable practice and confidence-building opportunities. Whether you're looking to assess your knowledge or refine specific skills, our latest practice tests are tailored to assist you in passing the certification exam. Trust in SPOTO's exam materials to guide you towards certification success and become a certified Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2025 Architect. With our guidance and resources, you can confidently tackle the exam and demonstrate your expertise in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

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Question #1
Deploy a Serverless Function and Access Using an API Gateway Deployment in OCI Scenario You have joined ACME as their new Cloud Solutions Architect. Your organization wants to verify if they can execute their microservices deployed as serverless functions on another cloud provider using Oracle Functions in OCI. Preconfigured To complete this requirement, you are provided with the following: * Access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials. * Access to Cloud Shell to execute the Fn CL
A. ee the explanationfor this task
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Correct Answer: A

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Question #2
You designed and deployed your Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) so that it is accessible from your on-premise data center and servers running on both private and public networks in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). As you are testing the connectivity to your ADW database from the different access paths, you notice that the server running on the private network is unable to connect to ADW. Which two steps do you need to take to enable connectivity from the server on the private network to ADW? (Choose two.)
A. dd an entry in the Security List of the ADW allowing ingress traffic for CIDR block 10
B. dd an entry in the route table (associated with the private subnet) with destination of 0
C. dd an entry in the access control list of ADW for IP address 129
D. dd an entry in the route table (associated with the private subnet) with destination of 0
E. dd an entry in the access control list of ADW for CIDR block 10
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Correct Answer: BE
Question #3
Deploy a Serverless Function and Access Using an API Gateway Deployment in OCI Scenario You have joined ACME as their new Cloud Solutions Architect. Your organization wants to verify if they can execute their microservices deployed as serverless functions on another cloud provider using Oracle Functions in OCI. Preconfigured To complete this requirement, you are provided with the following: * Access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials. * Access to Cloud Shell to execute the Fn CL
A. ee the explanationfor this task
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Correct Answer: A
Question #4
As a part of a migration exercise for an existing on-premises application to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), you are required to transfer a 7 TB file to OCI Object Storage. You have decided to upload it using the multipart upload functionality of Object Storage. Which two statements are true? (Choose two.) Option A is incorrect because rclone is not a tool provided by Object Storage.It is a third-party command-line program that can sync files to and from various cloud storage providers, including Object
A. t is possible to split this file into multiple parts using rclone tool provided by Object Storage
B. ontiguous numbers need to be assigned for each part so that Object Storage constructs the object by ordering part numbers in ascending order
C. fter initiating a multipart upload by making a CreateMultiPartUpload REST API Call, the upload remains active until you explicitly commit it or about it
D. t is possible to split this file into multiple parts using the APIs provided by Object Storage
E. ctive multipart upload can be checked by listing all parts that have been uploaded, however it is not possible to list information for an individual object part in an active multipart upload
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Correct Answer: CE
Question #5
Deploy a Serverless Function and Access Using an API Gateway Deployment in OCI Scenario You have joined ACME as their new Cloud Solutions Architect. Your organization wants to verify if they can execute their microservices deployed as serverless functions on another cloud provider using Oracle Functions in OCI. Preconfigured To complete this requirement, you are provided with the following: * Access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials. * Access to Cloud Shell to execute the Fn CL
A. ee the explanationfor this task
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Correct Answer: A

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