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Optimize Your F5 101 Exam Prep, Practice Tests, 101-Application Delivery Fundamentals | SPOTO

Optimize your F5 101 exam preparation with SPOTO's practice tests. As the initial step towards Certified F5 BIG-IP Administrator status, this certification validates your skills in managing Application Delivery Networks (ADNs). Our study materials, including exam dumps, sample questions, and exam materials, ensure thorough preparation. SPOTO's advantage lies in providing up-to-date exam content, helping you pass the certification exam quickly. Benefit from our exam simulator for realistic exam practice and readiness. Successful completion of the Application Delivery Fundamentals exam demonstrates your ability to handle day-to-day ADN management effectively. Trust SPOTO for reliable study resources and mock exams to excel in the F5 101 exam and advance your career in application delivery management.
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Question #1
You need to terminate client SSL traffic at the BIG-IP and also to persist client traffic to the same pool memberbased on a BIG-IP supplied cookie. Which four are profiles that would normally be included in the virtualserver's definition? (Choose four.)
D. ClientSSL
E. ServerSSL
F. Cookie-Based Persistence
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Correct Answer: D
Question #2
How is MAC masquerading configured?
A. Specify the desired MAC address for each VLAN for which you want this feature enabled
B. Specify the desired MAC address for each self-IP address for which you want this feature enabled
C. Specify the desired MAC address for each VLAN on the active system and synchronize the systems
D. Specify the desired MAC address for each floating self-IP address for which you want this feature enabled
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Correct Answer: C
Question #3
Which two statements are true about NATs? (Choose two.)
A. NATs support UDP, TCP, and ICMP traffic
B. NATs can be configured with mirroring enabled or disabled
C. NATs provide a one-to-one mapping between IP addresses
D. NATs provide a many-to-one mapping between IP addresses
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Correct Answer: A
Question #4
Which cookie persistence method requires the fewest configuration changes on the web servers to beimplemented correctly?
A. insert
B. rewrite
C. passive
D. session
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Correct Answer: B
Question #5
What does the insert XForwarded option in an HTTP profile do?
A. A BIG-IP self-IP is inserted in the source address field on the server-side connection
B. A BIG-IP self-IP is inserted in the source address field on the client-side connection
C. The client IP addresses are inserted into messages sent to remote syslog servers
D. The client IP addresses are inserted into HTTP header
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Correct Answer: D
Question #6
Which statement is true concerning iRule events?
A. All iRule events relate to HTTP processes
B. All client traffic has data that could be used to trigger iRule events
C. All iRule events are appropriate at any point in the client-server communication
D. If an iRule references an event that doesn't occur during the client's communication, the client's connection will be terminated prematurely
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Correct Answer: ABDF
Question #7
Which two methods can be used to determine which BIG-IP is currently active? (Choose two.)
A. The bigtop command displays the status
B. Only the active system's configuration screens are active
C. The status (Active/Standby) is embedded in the command prompt
D. The ifconfig -a command displays the floating addresses on the active system
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Correct Answer: BDF
Question #8
Which statement is true regarding OneConnect processing?
A. The virtual server must have UDP profile
B. Server-side request can utilize existing client-side connections
C. The number of client connection is reduced
D. Client-side request can utilized existing server-side connections
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Correct Answer: C
Question #9
A site is load balancing to a pool of web servers. Which statement is true concerning BIG-IP's ability to verifywhether the web servers are functioning properly or not?
A. Web server monitors can test the content of any page on the server
B. Web server monitors always verify the contents of the index
C. Web server monitors can test whether the server's address is reachable, but cannot test a page's content
D. Web server monitors can test the content of static web pages, but cannot test pages that would require theweb server to dynamically buildcontent
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Correct Answer: A
Question #10
As a part of the Setup Utility, the administrator sets the host name for the BIG-IP. What would be the result ifthe two systems in a redundant pair were set to the same host name?
A. Host names do not matter in redundant pair communication
B. In a redundant pair, the two systems will always have the same host name
C. The first time the systems are synchronized the receiving system will be assigned the same self-IPaddresses as the source system
D. When the administrator attempts to access the configuration utility using the host name, they will alwaysconnect to the active system
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Correct Answer: D
Question #11
When defining a load-balancing pool using the command line, if the load-balancing methodis not specified, what is the result:
A. The default load-balancing method would be used
B. The load-balancing method of the previous pool would be used
C. The system would prompt the user for a load-balancing method
D. An error would be displayed since no load-balancing method was specified
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Correct Answer: B
Question #12
A virtual server is listening at and has the following iRule associated with it: when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if {[TCP::local_port] equals 80 } { pool pool1 } elseif {[TCP::local_port] equals 443 } { pool pool2 } If a user connects to and port 22, which pool will receive the request?
A. pool1
B. pool2
C. None
D. Unknown
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Correct Answer: B

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