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Latest 2024 CIPT Certification Questions & Mock Tests, Certified Information Privacy Technologist | SPOTO

For the latest 2024 CIPT Certification Questions & Mock Tests, look no further than SPOTO. Our comprehensive resources, including practice tests, free tests, online exam questions, sample questions, and exam dumps, are designed to enhance your exam preparation experience. With our mock exams, you can simulate the test environment and evaluate your readiness effectively. The CIPT certification validates your profound understanding of privacy in technology, enabling you to seamlessly apply your knowledge to your daily workflow as a technology and data professional. Achieving certification affirms your dual literacy in privacy and technology, providing you with global recognition and opportunities. Trust SPOTO as your ultimate partner in achieving success in your CIPT certification journey. Access our latest practice tests and unlock your potential to pass the certification exam with confidence.

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Question #1
How should the sharing of information within an organization be documented?
A. With a binding contract
B. With a data flow diagram
C. With a disclosure statement
D. With a memorandum of agreement
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Correct Answer: C
Question #2
SCENARIO It should be the most secure location housing data in all of Europe, if not the world. The Global Finance Data Collective (GFDC) stores financial information and other types of client data from large banks, insurance companies, multinational corporations and governmental agencies. After a long climb on a mountain road that leads only to the facility, you arrive at the security booth. Your credentials are checked and checked again by the guard to visually verify that you are the person pictured on y
A. De-linking of data into client-specific packets
B. Cloud-based applications
C. Server-side controls
D. Data pruning
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Correct Answer: A
Question #3
Which of the following statements describes an acceptable disclosure practice?
A. An organization’s privacy policy discloses how data will be used among groups within the organization itself
B. With regard to limitation of use, internal disclosure policies override contractual agreements with third parties
C. Intermediaries processing sensitive data on behalf of an organization require stricter disclosure oversight than vendors
D. When an organization discloses data to a vendor, the terms of the vendor’ privacy notice prevail over the organization’ privacy notice
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Correct Answer: A
Question #4
Which of the following is considered a records management best practice?
A. Archiving expired data records and files
B. Storing decryption keys with their associated backup systems
C. Implementing consistent handling practices across all record types
D. Using classification to determine access rules and retention policy
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Correct Answer: D
Question #5
SCENARIO It should be the most secure location housing data in all of Europe, if not the world. The Global Finance Data Collective (GFDC) stores financial information and other types of client data from large banks, insurance companies, multinational corporations and governmental agencies. After a long climb on a mountain road that leads only to the facility, you arrive at the security booth. Your credentials are checked and checked again by the guard to visually verify that you are the person pictured on y
A. Record encryption is asymmetric, a stronger control measure
B. Record encryption is granular, limiting the damage of potential breaches
C. Record encryption involves tag masking, so its metadata cannot be decrypted
D. Record encryption allows for encryption of personal data only
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Correct Answer: B
Question #6
How does k-anonymity help to protect privacy in micro data sets?
A. By ensuring that every record in a set is part of a group of "k" records having similar identifying information
B. By switching values between records in order to preserve most statistics while still maintaining privacy
C. By adding sufficient noise to the data in order to hide the impact of any one individual
D. By top-coding all age data above a value of "k
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Correct Answer: A
Question #7
A credit card with the last few numbers visible is an example of what?
A. Masking data
B. Synthetic data
C. Sighting controls
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Correct Answer: A
Question #8
A vendor has been collecting data under an old contract, not aligned with the practices of the organization. Which is the preferred response?
A. Destroy the data
B. Update the contract to bring the vendor into alignment
C. Continue the terms of the existing contract until it expires
D. Terminate the contract and begin a vendor selection process
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Correct Answer: B
Question #9
What must be used in conjunction with disk encryption?
A. Increased CPU speed
B. A strong password
C. A digital signature
D. Export controls
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Correct Answer: C
Question #10
SCENARIO It should be the most secure location housing data in all of Europe, if not the world. The Global Finance Data Collective (GFDC) stores financial information and other types of client data from large banks, insurance companies, multinational corporations and governmental agencies. After a long climb on a mountain road that leads only to the facility, you arrive at the security booth. Your credentials are checked and checked again by the guard to visually verify that you are the person pictured on y
A. A hidden network
B. A reluctant network
C. A user verified network
D. A wireless mesh network
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Correct Answer: A
Question #11
Which of the following would best improve an organization’ s system of limiting data use?
A. Implementing digital rights management technology
B. Confirming implied consent for any secondary use of data
C. Applying audit trails to resources to monitor company personnel
D. Instituting a system of user authentication for company personnel
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Correct Answer: C
Question #12
SCENARIO Wesley Energy has finally made its move, acquiring the venerable oil and gas exploration firm Lancelot from its long-time owner David Wilson. As a member of the transition team, you have come to realize that Wilson's quirky nature affected even Lancelot's data practices, which are maddeningly inconsistent. “The old man hired and fired IT people like he was changing his necktie,” one of Wilson’s seasoned lieutenants tells you, as you identify the traces of initiatives left half complete. For instanc
A. It employs the data scrambling technique known as obfuscation
B. Its decryption key is derived from its encryption key
C. It uses a single key for encryption and decryption
D. It is a data masking methodology
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Correct Answer: C
Question #13
What is an example of a just-in-time notice?
A. A warning that a website may be unsafe
B. A full organizational privacy notice publicly available on a website
C. A credit card company calling a user to verify a purchase before itis authorized
D. Privacy information given to a user when he attempts to comment on an online article
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Correct Answer: D
Question #14
What is the potential advantage of homomorphic encryption?
A. Encrypted information can be analyzed without decrypting it first
B. Ciphertext size decreases as the security level increases
C. It allows greater security and faster processing times
D. It makes data impenetrable to attacks
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Correct Answer: C
Question #15
What must be done to destroy data stored on "write once read many" (WORM) media?
A. The data must be made inaccessible by encryption
B. The erase function must be used to remove all data
C. The media must be physically destroyed
D. The media must be reformatted
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Correct Answer: C

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