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F5 101 Certification Pracatice Questions & Mock Tests, 101-Application Delivery Fundamentals | SPOTO

Prepare for success in the F5 101-Application Delivery Fundamentals exam with SPOTO's comprehensive practice questions and mock tests. This certification marks the beginning of your journey towards becoming a Certified F5 BIG-IP Administrator, showcasing your ability to manage Application Delivery Networks (ADNs) effectively. Our practice questions cover a wide range of topics, including exam dumps, exam questions and answers, sample questions, and free quizzes, ensuring a thorough preparation experience. Dive into our exam materials and exam answers to reinforce your understanding and readiness for the exam. Utilize our exam simulator for realistic online exam questions, enhancing your exam practice and preparation. With SPOTO's focus on exam practice and mock exams, you'll be well-prepared to achieve success in the F5 101 exam and advance your career in application delivery management.
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Question #1
When using the setup utility to configure a redundant pair, you are asked to provide a "Failover Peer IP". Which address is this?
A. an address of the other system in its management network
B. an address of the other system in a redundant pair configuration
C. an address on the current system used to listen for fail-over messages from the partner BIG- IP
D. an address on the current system used to initiate mirroring and network fail-over heartbeat messages
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Correct Answer: C
Question #2
Where is persistence mirroring configured?
A. It is always enabled
B. It is part of a pool definition
C. It is part of a profile definition
D. It is part of a virtual server definition
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Correct Answer: B
Question #3
Which VLANs must be enabled for a SNAT to perform as desired (translating only desired packets)?
A. The SNAT must be enabled for all VLANs
B. The SNAT must be enabled for the VLANs where desired packets leave the BIG-IP
C. The SNAT must be enabled for the VLANs where desired packets arrive on the BIG-IP
D. The SNAT must be enabled for the VLANs where desired packets arrive and leave the BIG-IP
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Correct Answer: ABDF
Question #4
What occurs when a save-config command is issued?
A. The current configuration files are backed up
B. The current configuration files are verified for syntax, then the running configuration isinstalled in memory
C. The current configuration files are loaded into memory
D. The current configuration files are saved into an archive format
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Correct Answer: D
Question #5
Assume a virtual server has a ServerSSL profile. What SSL certificates are required on the pool members?
A. No SSL certificates are required on the pool members
B. The poolmembers SSL certificates must only exist
C. The poolmembers SSL certificates must be issued from a certificate authority
D. The poolmembers SSL certificates must be created within the company hosting the BIG-IPs
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Correct Answer: C
Question #6
A site wishes to perform source address translation on packets arriving from the Internet for clients using somepools but not others. The determination is not based on the client's IP address, but on the pool they are loadbalanced to. What could best accomplish this goal?
A. A SNAT for all addresses could be defined, and then disable the SNAT processing for select pools
B. The decision to perform source address translation is always based on VLAN
C. For each virtual server, regardless their default load balancing pools, association with SNAT pools couldvary dependent upon need
D. The decision to perform source address translation is always based on a client's address (or network)
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Correct Answer: D

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