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Cisco Certified Network Professional or CCNP certification exam has undergone some changes since February 24, 2020. The CCNP certification exam has two components. First, one has to pass the CCNP core exam, which is the same test to be taken by those pursuing a CCIE certification. Once you pass the core exam, you can take any of several concentration areas, depending on your choice. If you are aiming for a certificate in CCNP design, you can choose your area of concentration, which is either Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks (ENSLD) or Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSD). However, this certification is for the professional level. If you want to be certified as an expert, you can go for the CCDE or Cisco Certified Design Expert certification or CCDE. While CCDE has no prerequisites, passing the CCNA or CCNP plus years of experience in the field will help you pass the CCDE exam with ease.
To get CCNP Design Certification, you have to pass two exams, the core exam and the concentration exams on ENWLSD and ENSLD. The test is challenging and would require your time, money, and efforts, but you be well-compensated by its benefits, which are as follows:
If you have a CCNP certificate, you will enjoy lots of job opportunities. A Cisco certification is not easy to acquire. For CCNP design, you have to hurdle two exams: the core exam and the design concentration exam. Professionals with these certifications are highly in demand and their skills are recognized worldwide. It will be quick and easy for you to find a job in big companies anywhere in the world if you have a Cisco CCNP design certificate.
People with CCNP design certification receive higher salaries than those that do not have a certificate. Because organizations badly need applicants with the credential, they offer a high pay to attract these professionals.
A CCNP certification shows the world that you know what you are doing. A company that employs people of your caliber will most likely be trusted by its clients.
If you are planning to take the CCDE certification, which would move you up to a Cisco Certified Design Expert, your experience in preparing and taking the CCNP certification exam will help ace the exam.
SPOTO is an online certification training course agency for people aspiring to pass Cisco, PMI, and AWS certifications. We offer practice tests, which include 100% real and valid questions and answers. These test items will most likely come out in the certification exam, increasing your chances of getting a passing rate. We also have a remote server that you can use to contact our customer support if ever you encounter issues regarding the materials we sent you. You can also seek help from our expert teachers, who will explain to you some test questions that you cannot understand until you can answer them on your own. We will help you pass the CCDE certification exam on your first try.
To earn a CCDE certification, you pass two exams: a qualifying exam and a hands-on lab exam.
The 2-hour, written qualification exam covers network design in the areas of routing, tunneling, Quality of Service (QoS), management, cost, capacity, and security. You must pass the written exam before you are eligible to schedule the CCDE practical exam.
The 8-hour practical exam tests your ability to perform design analysis, justify design requirements, and develop a design implementation based on best practices. Only candidates that have a passing score on the CCDE Written Exam may register for the CCDE Practical Exam.
There are no formal prerequisites for CCDE. But you should have a good knowledge of the exam topics!
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