Just practice for ccie lab exam materials,it will take much less time to prepare the ccie lab certification. it just caculate the time you need to prepare the exam.
Go CCIE R&S directly (written:1weeks+ lab:3–5 months)
Go CCIE Security directly (written:1weeks+ lab:65days to 75days)
Go CCIE Service Provider directly (written:1weeks+ lab:50 days)
Go CCIE Wireless directly (written:1weeks+ lab: 8.5 weeks )
Strongly advice go CCIE directly if with work experience ( save time, save money)
if you want to go CCIE directly without study CCNP or CCIE course, you must have solid foundation( which means you have lots of project experience.) cuz written exam is easy to pass just practice dump and remember all questions& answers. But CCIE Lab exam will be more difficult if you just remember all workbooks& solutions which is not enough to pass without a doubt. you need to understand how to configure, troubleshooting and diagnostic the network. cuz, not all workbooks form will same as what we offer to you but it’s theory same as what we offer. View the passed candidates’ feedbacks
Go CCNP and then Go CCIE ( if not necessary to have CCNP, don’t take CCNP exam)
It depends which track CCIE lab are you going to take CCNP exam, but one CCNP dump practice (2–7days) if three CCNP ( 6–21days) four CCNP ( 8days-56days) which not only waste time but also cost lots money.
2. If you study CCNP CCIE, take CCIE Lab exam after learning
study CCNP require 1.5 months ( 2hours/time and 4times/ week)
practice CCNP dumps, one CCNP dump practice (2–7days) if three CCNP ( 6–21days) four CCNP ( 8days-56days)
study CCIE theory lesson 1 month (2hours/time and 4times/ week)
CCIE LAB no needs to have a lesson you can practice lab and watching the video tutorial.
CCIE R&S lab:3–5 months
CCIE Security lab:65days to 75days
CCIE Service Provider lab:50 days
CCIE Wireless lab: 8.5 weeks
It is not difficutiy that passing ccie lab exam and obtain ccie lab certification. SPOTO will help you pass ccie lab exam at first exam. good luck for all.