Candidates for Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert exams can either opt to study on their own or find some sort of CCIE training course to help prepare for the big test. It is probably the hardest expert-level test Cisco has in their arsenal, and whether or not a candidate decides to get help with studying for the written and hands-on lab test, may spell the difference between passing and failing. It is assumed that a candidate knows what he or she is getting into when registering for certification, which is why there are no prerequisite courses or certifications required before taking the test. Since most candidates are IT professionals, studying for this test may take away precious leisure or family time for the duration of one's preparation for the test. At the end of the day, all that sacrifice and hard work will be worth it. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of your limited CCIE training time.
Begin CCIE training before the test schedule. Studying for a CCIE certification test is a little bit like studying for professional board examinations. It can take months of studying and hands-on lab practice before one can say they have mastered enough to pass the test. Allot 6-9 months of extensive preparation, and if it's possible to take a leave of absence at work, dedicate a few weeks to a month for pure study.
Be realistic with your schedule.Balancing work and studying for the certification exams can be quite exhausting. It's not a good idea to study up to the wee hours of the morning when you know you have to get up for work in a few hours. It's better to get in a few hours of quality study time rather than to force yourself to learn or practice when your concentration is affected by lack of sleep. Take advantage of your free time on weekends to schedule longer study sessions.
Know your learning style. Not everyone absorbs information the same way. Some people are visual learners, while others absorb more when listening to the information. Recognize the learning style that suits you and find learning materials that would help you learn more efficiently. For example, those who learn better using audio-visual resources often find that watching training videos can help them understand everything faster.
Find a good source of learning materials. Learning materials can be downloaded from Cisco's website and a few other learning partners' sites. These are good resources, but if you want a source of more structured and in-depth training materials and workbooks, it's a good idea to get them from an accredited training vendor. There are a lot of them online, so you can choose one that has a CCIE review course that suits your learning style the most.
Get your own rack. Part of the studying process is to make sure that you can apply everything you've learned in practical use. You can either set up some sort of home rack or rent one. This is very important because you'll spend 8 hours doing practical application tasks for the second part of your test.
Everyone has their own way of studying and absorbing information. The best thing to do when studying for an exam such as the CCIE test is to find what you're comfortable with and stick with it. This will help you make the most out of your limited CCIE training time.