CCNA Overview:
So you have decided that the CCNA certification is considered to be the best one for you. Even before you would be beginning to study, is to understand what would be required for you to gain the CCNA Certification. Therefore, we would be looking at the CCNA certification exam in detail, emphasizing the passing score, the format of the exam, the cost, as well as where you could take the exam. So, let’s have some basic knowledge about the CCNA Certification Exam. Also check out the training courses which are being offered at the SPOTO Club, to ensure your success in achieving the CCNA Certification.
How Many Questions would be there in the CCNA Certification Exam? How long would You Have for the Completion of the Exam?
The CCNA certification exam is considered to be a 90-minute exam with stuck between 60 and 70 questions. This would be meaning you would be having roughly 1 minute and 30 seconds for each question. However, as with any exam, some questions would be more challenging as well as you are going to require more time than others. So, while you would be required to take your time for reading questions carefully, be aware that the time would be running.
One exam trick which would be utilized by many people is to go for low-hanging fruit, i.e., answer questions that would be easy and then go back to the more challenging questions. Unfortunately, this trick couldn’t be utilized in Cisco certification exams because, once you would be clicking on the Next button to advance to the next question, you wouldn’t be able to go back to previous questions.
What Is the Layout of the Questions on the Exam?
Generally speaking, there would be various formats for the questions that you could expect on any Cisco certification written exam which would be including:
• Drag and drop
• Fill in the blanks
• Multiple choices: Single answer and multiple answers
• Simlet
• Simulation
• Testlet
This resource from Cisco would be giving a great description as well as a short video clip about each type of question format. There would be also some videos from Cisco that would be describing the question formats. While the number of questions you would be gaining in each question format would be varying from exam to exam, one could be reasonably expected that the bulk of the questions would be in the multiple-choice format. It is also considered to be quite important to note that different questions would be carrying different weights, even though you wouldn’t be able to identify questions that would be based on their weights.
Where Do I Take the Exam? How Often Are the Exams Scheduled?
Cisco would be offering two types of exams i.e. Proctored exams as well as self-administered online exams. The proctored exams are the ones you would be going to a registered center to take the exam, where a proctor would be available to register you for the exam and, in certain cases, the proctor would be invigilating and is available to answer several questions. The online exams which are self-administered could be taken anywhere, even in your house, as long as there would be an Internet connection.
Once you would have confirmed the test center you would be willing to utilize, you could be either scheduling your exam in advance or on the day you would be intended for taking it as long as there would be available at the test center. Pearson allows you for scheduling your exam online for which you are going to need to login to your web account or you could just reach out to the test center of VUE for scheduling your test.
Do check out the training courses offered at the SPOTO Club to become CCNA-Certified in a single attempt.