New AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam, the AWS ANS-C01 exam, was released in July 2022, candidates can start registration.
The AWS ANS-C01 certification demonstrates that you have deep expertise in networking within the AWS Cloud and between on-premises data centers and the cloud. And you'll have skills in advanced network architectures, with IP VPN, MPLS, VPLS, SD- WAN, CIDR, and IPv4 and IPv6 subnets, and how to design and fail complex routing architectures using static and dynamic (BGP) network Exclusion agreements.
AWS ANS-C01 dumps are high-quality and effective exam preparation, ANS-C01 exam dumps cover the exam questions that may appear in the actual AWS exam, and you will learn about the real exam process and the format of the exam questions. Taking the online ANS-C01 practice exam effectively assesses your knowledge mastery, which will help you pass the ANS-C01 exam easily.
New AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam, the AWS ANS-C01 exam, was released in July 2022, candidates can start registration.
The AWS ANS-C01 certification demonstrates that you have deep expertise in networking within the AWS Cloud and between on-premises data centers and the cloud. And you'll have skills in advanced network architectures, with IP VPN, MPLS, VPLS, SD- WAN, CIDR, and IPv4 and IPv6 subnets, and how to design and fail complex routing architectures using static and dynamic (BGP) network Exclusion agreements.
AWS ANS-C01 dumps are high-quality and effective exam preparation, ANS-C01 exam dumps cover the exam questions that may appear in the actual AWS exam, and you will learn about the real exam process and the format of the exam questions. Taking the online ANS-C01 practice exam effectively assesses your knowledge mastery, which will help you pass the ANS-C01 exam easily.
There are 4 Knowledge Areas covered in the ANS-C01 Exam Guide, while ANS-C00 has 6 Knowledge Areas, a reduction of 2 Knowledge Areas. But it is more difficult to pass the ANS-C01 exam. The new ANS-C01 exam covers a wider range of network technology knowledge, and the question form is more complex and lengthy, which requires you to have more adequate network configuration knowledge preparation.
New ANS-C01 Domains
Domain 1: Network Design
Domain 2: Network Implementation
Domain 3: Network Management and Operation
Domain 4: Network Security, Compliance, and Governance
Exam Name: ANS-C01: AWS Certified Advanced Networking
Exam: 65 questions
Exam Cut Score/ Passing marks: 750
Exam Duration: 170 minutes
1. SPOTO has 18 years of OT training certification experience, we have a team of AWS-certified experts, and all our courses and learning materials are professional and credible.
2. The questions in our ANS-C01 dumps are extracted from the advanced ANS-C01 exam, and each exam question has been screened by domain experts. Each ANS-C01 dumps may have up to 200 questions, which guarantees that you will come across similar exam questions on the exam.
3. Provide unlimited online ANS-C01 practice exams. The online Advanced practice exam simulates the actual AWS Certification Advanced Networking - Specialty exam environment. You can adapt ahead of time to real-time problems based on real-world scenarios.
4. We have feedback from tens of thousands of candidates. We will collect dumps feedback and test experience from candidates. Our domain experts will update the questions in ANS-C01 dumps in time according to the feedback of candidates.
There are no strict prerequisites before the exam. but ANS-C01 certification is for those who have extensive networking experience and are able to perform difficult networking operations on AWS. It is preferred that you have at least 5-7 years of experience as AWS Solutions Architect.
A recent survey also showed that many IT professionals experienced a 20% salary raise after getting certified. So if you want to get certified and seldom get time to prepare for it, our SPOTO can help you to pass the exam on first try. We will ensure your IT certification experience goes as smoothly as possible. You don't need to take training, do long preparation, or learn. We will handle everything for you!
Certified professionals can earn up to 40-percent more than their non-certified peers.