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How does Huawei HCIE lab exam work if I fail to retake it?

Mr. Chen

CCIE# 4381*

Settle a problem:209


The lab exam is based on your passing the written exam. If you do not pass the experimental exam, you will need an interval of 15 natural days before you can make an appointment for a make-up exam. The reservation process is the same as that for the first experimental exam. First, fill out the HCIE experimental exam reservation application on Huawei's website, and provide the exam voucher when making the reservation; there are test centers for the domestic exam in Beijing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and Chengdu, so make a reservation for a suitable test center, then wait for the email notification, and go to take the exam at the corresponding time. The price of the exam voucher is the same as that of the first exam. It should be noted that the experimental exam should be conducted within the validity period of the HCIE written exam results, which is 18 months, so you must register in advance, and Huawei does not accept any reasons for the postponement of the experiments due to insufficient exam resources. If the validity period of the written exam is over, then you have to re-take the written exam, which is more troublesome and costly.

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