How to Select Your CCNA Certification Path

What Advantages Come With CCNA Certification?
Additionally, it may help you gain a deeper comprehension of the sector and broaden your networking skills, which may help you earn additional certifications like the CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert).
The Price to Pass the CCNA Exam
The Cisco Study Partner that will support your learning determines the cost of taking and passing a CCNA exam. An individual should plan to pay between $300 and USD 500 for a Cisco CCNA credential. If you think your employer will benefit from getting a CCNA certification, I recommend you talk to him about it. You can choose how much it is worth spending on the test if it is not required.
How to Pick Your Direction
Like the Robert Frost poem, your study for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching certification leads you down two different pathways. You first obtain the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) via one of those paths bypassing the Interconnecting Cisco Networks Devices 1 (ICND1) exam, which has the test number 100-105. You can take the ICND2 (200-105) exam to obtain the CCNA qualification after further studying.
You can choose to take the single CCNA (200-125) exam rather than preparing for and passing two different examinations. The second route leads faster to the CCNA but is more expensive. Technically, regardless of the course, you select, there are no requirements for obtaining the CCNA. However, if you take ICND2 before ICND1, you won't be able to bring your CCENT or CCNA certification.
Each of the paths has some evident advantages and disadvantages. For instance, taking the single CCNA exam is more expensive and necessitates more preparation than passing the two ICND examinations separately. You will have to take one exam, though. You can spread the certification cost by taking the two ICND examinations individually, but you'll have to prepare for and take two different exams.
A possibly less evident benefit of choosing the two-exam route is that you'll get your certificate sooner than if you only focused on getting your CCNA. The two-exam strategy can be more beneficial than taking a single exam if your certification goal includes being able to show potential employers that you are moving toward the CCNA. Retaking ICND2 will also be less expensive than retaking the entire CCNA exam if you already have the CCENT and attempt to pass it but are unsuccessful.
On the other hand, the topical depth of the CCNA test is a less obvious benefit of taking only one of them. Since the CCNA covers every subject, passing the exam is more likely to require that you have general knowledge of various topics. If you take ICND1 and ICND2 separately, you should anticipate a more condensed thematic focus, which may also indicate that you will come across questions that call for more in-depth knowledge or experience with the relevant subject.
Only those who have the proper certification training will be able to pass the exam.
To assist you in effectively preparing for the CCNA exam, SPOTO provides a 100 percent authentic CCNA exam demo, practical CCNA exam advice, CCNA exam subjects, fees, and other information.
A team of knowledgeable teachers will provide you with various study options and assist with your training program to ensure that you pass on your first try.
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