The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) examination is designed for candidates who are currently working in a Solutions Architect capacity. Examinees must be able to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy safe and robust applications on AWS technologies in order to pass this test and receive certification. It validates an examinee's ability to: Define a solution by utilizing architectural design principles based on customer requirements Validating an examinee's ability to implement a solution in accordance with client criteria
During the entirety of the lifecycle of a project, offer an organization implementation counsel that is founded on industry best practices.
Knowledge of Recommended Resources on Amazon Web Services A year of practical experience creating available, cost-effective, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Practical experience with utilizing computation, networking, storage, and database capabilities provided by AWS. Practical experience working with Amazon Web Services deployment and administration services. The capability of identifying and defining the technical requirements for an application that is based on Amazon Web Services. The capability of determining which Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings fulfill a particular set of technical requirements. Familiarity with the suggested and best practices for constructing secure and dependable apps on the AWS platform. An understanding of the AWS global infrastructure. An understanding of network technologies as they relate to AWS. An understanding of the security features and tools that AWS provides and how they relate to traditional services.
The Studying for the Examinations
AWS Training: Explore the training page for architecting-related material that can help you prepare for the exam.
Whitepapers from Amazon Web Services (AWS) should be used in conjunction with training materials.
Exam Content Response Types
On the exam, you will see both multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions. A multiple-choice question will have one answer that is correct and three answers that are incorrect (distractors). Multiple responses: a question that can have two or more right answers out of a total of five or more possible answers.
Choose one or more responses that, taken together, provide the most convincing conclusion to the statement or answer the question. Response options that fall under the category of "distractors," also known as "incorrect answers," are ones that a candidate who possesses insufficient knowledge or expertise is likely to select. However, on the whole, these are credible responses that may be placed within the scope of the material covered by the purpose of the test.
There is no penalty for making educated guesses, and the score for questions to which an answer has not been provided is counted as incorrect.
The Content That Is Not Being Scored
On your examination, there is a possibility that there will be some questions that are not scored but which have been included there for the purpose of gathering statistical information. These components are not denoted elsewhere on the form, and their presence will have no bearing on the total score you receive.
Exam Results
Examining to become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) is a test that is either passed or not passed. The examination is graded based on a minimum standard that was set by AWS specialists. These professionals are guided by the best practices and rules that are prevalent in the certification business.
Your performance on the test will be reflected as a score on a scale ranging from 100 to 1,000, with a passing score of 720 constituting the bare minimum. Your score reflects how well you fared on the test as a whole as well as indicates whether or not you passed it. Scaled scoring models are employed in order to equate scores across numerous exam forms, each of which may contain questions with somewhat varying degrees of difficulty.
The report of your scores will include a table that categorizes how well you performed in each individual part. The purpose of this information is to offer general feedback concerning how well you performed on the examination. The exam uses a compensating scoring approach, which means that in order to "pass," you do not need to "pass" any of the individual portions; rather, you just need to pass the total exam. Since each part of the test is assigned a different weighting based on its relative importance, some of the parts of the test have a greater number of questions than others. The table provides an overview of the information, highlighting both your strong points and your problematic areas. When it comes to the interpretation of section-level input, exercise extreme caution.
Content Outline
Only goals, weightings, and test domains are included in this study guide for the examination. It is not meant to be an exhaustive rundown of all the topics that will be covered in this test. The primary content domains along with their respective weightings are outlined in the table that can be found below.