Settle a problem:199
In Oracle, you can create a user with read-only privileges by following these steps:Log on to the Oracle database using a user with DBA privileges. Create a new user and grant CONNECT privileges.Copy CodeCREATE USER ReadOnlyUser IDENTIFIED BY user_password;GRANT CONNECT TO ReadOnlyUser;GRANT READ ONLY privileges.Copy CodeGRANT SELECT ANY TABLE TO ReadOnlyUser;GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO ReadOnlyUser;The above statement grants read-only access to all tables and dictionary views. You can also specify read-only access to specific tables or views as needed, for example: Copy CodeGRANT SELECT ON table_name TO ReadOnlyUser;This will grant ReadOnly access to the specified table for ReadOnlyUser. Note that if you want to avoid ReadOnlyUser making any changes, make sure that you do not grant permissions such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE to modify data.