Exam anxiety is at its peak when the exam looms large in your mind, but you are unprepared for it. Failure could jeopardize your job while squandering your hard-earned cash. Do you intend to take the Developing Applications and Automating Workflows with Cisco Core Platforms 200-901 exam, and if so, what are your plans?
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What is the difference between an asynchronous API and an asynchronous API?
A. Synchronous API calls are returned immediately, while asynchronous calls do not guarantee an immediate response.
B. An asynchronous API can make more calls in a specified time period than an asynchronous API.
C. Synchronous API calls require an authentication header to be sent, while asynchronous calls do not require authentication.
D. An asynchronous API can make offline calls while synchronous APIs do not have this capability.
Correct Answer: B
Which tool allows changes to the configuration management toolset to be tested?
A. Cisco VIRL
C. Ansible
D. pyATS
Correct Answer: C
A company wants to accelerate the adoption of technologies that will simplify its operations. Staff have different skill levels and are looking for a single site to find easy-to-consume beginner, intermediate, and advanced multidomain use cases. Which site should be used?
A. DevNet Automation Exchange
B. DevNet Creations
C. DevNet Support Forum
D. DevNet Ecosystem Exchange
Correct Answer: A
A developer creates a web application that receives a username and password and uses them to sync the credentials to other services through HTTPS. API keys to services are part of the configuration files of the application. Still, the database’s credentials that store the synchronization logs are obtained through an external vault service. What is the security issue in this scenario?
A. Communication between the application and the services is not encrypted.
B. The database credentials should be stored in the configuration files to be secured on the same server.
C. The synchronization logs should be encrypted and not stored in a relational database.
D. The API keys are stored in the configuration files but should be stored in the vault service.
Correct Answer: D
Which platform is used to programmatically create a space and invite users for collaboration?
A. Cisco UCM
B. Cisco Webex
C. Cisco Finesse
D. Cisco Intersight
Correct Answer: B
Which implementation creates a group of devices on one or more LANs that are configured to communicate as if they were attached to the same?
A. IPsec
Correct Answer: D
Which CI/CD tool is an automation tool used to build, test, and deploy software?
A. Nagios
B. Gradle
C. Jenkins
D. Git
Correct Answer: C
Which mechanism is used to consume a RESTful API design when large amounts of data are returned?
A. data sets
B. scrolling
C. blobs
D. pagination
Correct Answer: D
Which detail is included in a routing table?
A. IP protocol
B. broadcast address
C. TCP or UDP port number
D. destination next hop or outgoing interface
Correct Answer: D
Which product provides network controller-level management features?
A. Cisco DNA Center
B. Cisco NX-OS
C. Cisco UCS Manager
D. Cisco ISE
Correct Answer: A
What are the two properties of private IP addresses? (Choose two.)
A. They can be used to access the Internet directly.
B. They are not globally unique.
C. They are controlled globally by an IP address registry.
D. They are more secure than public IP addresses.
E. They can be repeated within the same local network.
Correct Answer: BD
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