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This certificate is specially prepared for you to prepare for the AWS Certified Solution Architect-Associate (SAA-C02) to be released in March 2020. It will cover all the elements required in all the domains outlined in the exam blueprint.

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The goal

The purpose of certification is to authenticate your knowledge across multiple critical areas defined by AWS, including:

  • Effectively demonstrate knowledge about the deployment and architecture of safe and reliable applications on AWS technology.
  • Define solutions based on customer requirements and using architectural design principles.
  • Provide implementation guidance to the organization based on best practices throughout the life cycle of the project

To prove this knowledge, you must test in 4 different areas, each of which accounts for the total percentage of the total score.

These domains will be subdivided into:

  • Domain 1: Design a flexible architecture 30%
  • Domain 2: Design high-performance architecture 28%
  • Domain 3: Designing secure applications and architecture 24%
  • Domain 4: Design cost optimization architecture 18%

As you progress, you will be able to obtain all the information and knowledge needed to meet the field’s expectations and thus have a deep understanding of each area.

AWS Solution Architect-Assistant SAA-C02 Exam Summary

  • The SAA-C02 exam will contain 65 questions in 130 minutes, and if you prepare correctly, that time is considered more than enough.
  • The SAA-C02 exam will cover architectural aspects deeply. Therefore you should visualize the architecture and even map it out in the exam to understand its works and the relationship between different services.
    AWS should update the exam concept from focusing on a single service to building a scalable, cost-effective, highly available, high-performance, and resilient exam concept.
  • If you plan to prepare for SAA-C01, SAA-C02 is very similar to SAA-C01, but the practical operational architecture domain has been deleted. Although, most of the services and concepts covered by SAA-C01 are the same. Almost no new features, such as Aurora AWS Global Accelerator, Serverless, Windows FSx, Lustre FSx
  • The AWS exam will be available online, and I took the online exam. Just make sure you have a proper place to take the exam, and there is no interference, and there is nothing around you.
  • Besides, if you are taking the AWS Online exam for the first time, you must try to take it at least 30 minutes before the actual period.

You may like: [Dec.18, 2020, Updated] SPOTO Free AWS SAA-C02 Practice Tests to Prep Your Exam 

SPOTO 100% Real SAA-C02 Dumps will help you pass SAA-C02 in one week only!

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Now that you are familiar with all the AWS SAA-C02 exam concepts, you must look forward to obtaining certification for the first time. If so, please check the research report dump available under SPOTO AWS SAA-C02. SPOTO AWS Dump is considered the best resource for success in your first attempt.


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Last modified: November 5, 2024



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