Cisco 350-401 test certification is a critical component in network system administration. This exam is explicitly engaged with the groups that comprise the venture. You can have your network security and infrastructure skills evaluated and validated. The test incorporates knowledge and abilities to qualify for essential enterprise network technologies and organizations.
The best tips to pass 350-401 exam is to use 350-401 exam dumps. SPOTO 350-401 exam dumps allow you to practice the types of questions that may occur on the exam and to think about the answers ahead of time. With real exam questions and answers, you can As a result, you will be able to comprehend the structure commonly proposed by the teaching team, allowing you to design a simulation exam.
SPOTO 350-401 test dumps are exactly the right study tools that contain genuine 350-401 exam questions and answers to help you pass the 350-401 exam on the first try!
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Question: 1
Which function does a fabric edge node perform in an SD-Access deployment?
A. Connects endpoints to the fabric and forwards their traffic.
B. Encapsulates end-user data traffic into LISP.
C. Connects the SD-Access fabric to another fabric or external Layer 3 networks.
D. Provides reachability between border nodes in the fabric underlay.
Correct Answer: A
What is the difference between a RIB and a FIB?
A. The FIB is populated based on RIB content.
B. The RIB maintains a mirror image of the FIB.
C. The RIB is used to make IP source prefix-based switching decisions.
D. The FIB is where all IP routing information is stored.
Correct Answer: A
Which requirement for an Ansiblemanaged node is true?
A. It must have an SSH server running.
B. It must be a Linux server or a Cisco device.
C. It must support ad hoc commands.
D. It must have an Ansible Tower installed.
Correct Answer: A
A client device fails to see the enterprise SSID, but other client devices are
connected to it. What is the cause of this issue?
A. The client has incorrect credentials stored for the configured broadcast SSID.
B. The hidden SSID was not manually configured on the client.
C. The broadcast SSID was not manually configured on the client.
D. The client has incorrect credentials stored for the configured hidden SSID.
Correct Answer: B
Which two descriptions of FlexConnect mode for Cisco APs are true? (Choose two.)
A. APs that operate in FlexConnect mode cannot detect rogue APs.
B. When connected to the controller, FlexConnect APs can tunnel traffic back to the controller. C. FlexConnect mode is used when the APs are set up in a mesh environment and used to bridge between each other.
C. FlexConnect mode is a feature that is designed to allow specified CAPWAP-enabled APs to exclude themselves from managing data traffic between clients and infrastructure.
D. FlexConnect mode is a wireless solution for branch office and remote office deployments.
Correct Answer: B
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Which OSPF network types are compatible and allow communication through the two peering devices?
A. point-to-multipoint to nonbroadcast
B. broadcast to nonbroadcast
C. point-to-multipoint to broadcast
D. broadcast to point-to-point
Correct Answer: B
Which NGFW mode blocks flows crossing the firewall?
A. tap
B. inline
C. passive
D. inline tap
Correct Answer: B
Which statement about route targets is true when using VRF-Lite?
A. Route targets control the import and export of routes into a customer routing table.
B. When BGP is configured, route targets are transmitted as BGP standard communities.
C. Route targets allow customers to be assigned overlapping addresses.
D. Route targets uniquely identify the customer routing table.
Correct Answer: A
How does Cisco TrustSec enable more flexible access controls for dynamic networking environments
and data centers?
A. uses flexible NetFlow
B. assigns a VLAN to the endpoint
C. classifies traffic based on advanced application recognition
D. classifies traffic based on the contextual identity of the endpoint rather than its IP address
Correct Answer: D
Which LISP infrastructure device provides connectivity between non-LISP sites and LISP sites by receiving non-LISP traffic with a LISP site destination?
B. map resolver
C. map server
Correct Answer: A
Once you have obtained the CISCO certified badge, you can cash it in at any time in America by obtaining the ideal career chance. This work opportunity provides you with the highest rank and the highest compensation.
SPOTO 350-401 study guides and dumps provide easy-to-learn questions and answers that are organized in a progression from easy to difficult and are packed with simplified material that is readily graspable. There is no reason for test-takers to fail the exam if they ensure their understanding of the knowledge provided in our study guides. Buy today with a significant Black Friday discount!