CCNA 200-301

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CCNA 200-301 is the new entry-level Cisco certification, the backbone of the entire Cisco certification roadmap. CCNA is the associate-level certification. For any network administrator, this certification is indeed essential, but for IT professionals, it is indeed valuable. A good understanding of networks, routing protocols, VLAN, WAN technologies, etc., will truly help you on any IT career path.

This article will provide you with all the information you need to start learning CCNA (Cisco certified network associate).  How to start CCNA self study? How to crack CCNA certification exam? Which books you should read, online resources, exam tips, and an overview of the total exam cost.

CategoriesExam CodePass Exam Dumps
CCNA200-301CCNA 200-301
200-901 DevNet200-901 DevNet
200-201 Cyber Ops200-201 Cyber Ops

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CCNA 200-301-What you need to know

The new CCNA 200-301 exam will replace all previous CCNA exams. Therefore, there are no longer multiple different CCNA exams and certifications. As of February 24, 2020, there is now only one exam covering everything.

Therefore, compared with the old version of the CCNA exam, the new exam cancels the specific tacks like knowledge of routing and switching data center and has been thoroughly overhauled. The new exam will cover a broader range of topics and be more consistent with today’s work, such as wireless networking, security, automation topics, etc.

CCNA 200-301 Exam Duration & Topics

CCNA exam number of questions: The number of questions can vary, but it is about 100 questions, the CCNA 200-301 passing score is about 800~850. To complete the exam, you will have 120 minutes for most competitors.
You can find below how to divide topics into exams. Keep in mind that other related topics may also appear in the exam(ccna 200 301 official cert guide volume 1).

Percentage of topics

Basic knowledge of network 20%
IP connection 20%
Intellectual Property Services 25%
Security basics 10%
Internet access 15%
Automation and programmability 10%

Study for your CCNA exam

Therefore, the common question is, what is a good strategy for your CCNA learning? The answer, of course, depends on how much experience you have in Cisco and general networking. But in general, studying at least 2 hours a day is a good strategy. In this way, you should be able to complete the course within 90 days.

Start with a Cisco Network Academy video lesson. Even if you don’t like learning from videos, these courses will provide you with many exam tips and insights. SPOTO is one of CCNA’s most popular trainers, and it has created excellent video courses.

Besides, there is a quick way to pass the CCNA exam, using the SPOTO CCNA dump! SPOTO real CCNA exam questions and answers, giving seven days is not a problem. Try the real CCNA practice test here!

[Nov.26 Updated] Free Download SPOTO CCNA 200-301 Practice Tests 2020

CCNA books

All you need are two books, Volume 1 and Volume 2 of Wendell Odom’s OCG. I suggest you purchase Odom’s CCNA 200-301 official certificate guide library to save your money. You can buy it on the Cisco Learning Network Store or Amazon. This will include Volume 1 and Volume 2 of CCNA 200-301 OCG.
You can also buy e-book bags bundled with eBooks in the Cisco store. For example, if you want to study while riding a train, this book will be convenient.

Cisco CCNA 200-301 Cheat Sheet and Quick Study Guide

CCNA Exam Preparation

If you want to take more practice exams, then you really should let SPOTO CCNA 200-301 dump the VCE files. The real benefit of the SPOTO CCNA 200-301 dump is that we provide actual exam questions and answers. This can help you learn and fill in knowledge gaps.

CCNA Exam cost

Therefore, the CCNA 200-301 exam cost $300. But you will also need to study materials. Thus, the total Cisco CCNA exam cost may exceed $300.

CCNA Exam tips

Therefore, I collected some tips for the exam

Read the question twice! Remember, there is no back button, so make sure you fully understand the problem.
• You have some time to start the exam. Write down the subnetting table or other information before actually starting the exam.
• Remember that each question only has about 1 minute (120 minutes to answer 100 questions). So if you don’t know the answer, please choose the best answer and move on.

Final note

I wish you good luck in the CCNA and exams. If you have any suggestions, tricks, or other resources here, please contact us for more details. If you want to pass CCNA in the shortest time, you should choose SPOTO 100% pass CCNA 200-301 exam dumps as the best learning materials! If you want to get CCNP OCG, please add our Customer service.

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Recommend CCNA exam study materials:

What are CCNA Basic commands?
CCNA 200-125 vs 200-301 Exams, What Are Differences and What to Expect?
OSPF Routing Fundamentals You Must Know in CCNA Exam!
Is it possible to crack the CCNA Exam by self-study?
The best study guide to get CCNA certification in 2020
9 Best Study Techniques to Prepare for Cisco 200-301 Exam Easily
Tips and Tricks to Pass Cisco CCNA 200-301 Exam with SPOTO Dump
Official Cisco CCNA exam study materials
How many questions on CCENT

​200-125 Cisco certified network associate

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Last modified: November 6, 2024



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