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السؤال #1
What are the responsibilities of the Nexus Integration Team?
A. Coordinate, coach, and supervise the application of Nexus and the operation of Scrum so the best outcomes are derived
B. Do the work of delivering a potentially releasable Increment of “Done” product at the end of each Sprint
C. Maximize the value of the product and the work of the Developers
D. Ensure that the Product Backlog Items are visible, transparent, and clear to all
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A

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السؤال #2
The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to:(choose the best two answers)
A. oordinate the activities of all the Scrum Teams in a Nexus
B. iscover all the dependencies between Product Backlog items
C. nsure all teams are committing to the right work
D. reate a plan for the Sprint
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, D
السؤال #3
What is static analysis?
A. nalysis performed on software at runtime
B. tool that inspects the correctness of static keyword usage
C. ork performed by the business analyst
D. nalysis performed on code
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: D
السؤال #4
Within the same Kanban system, Work in Progress (WIP), is NOT a leading indicator for:(choose the best answer)
A. hroughput
B. tory points delivered
C. ycle Time
D. umber of Product Backlog items finished in a Sprint
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: B
السؤال #5
When the Developers limit Work in Progress (WIP) inside a Sprint, what would you expect to observe?(Choose the best three answers)
A. he Developers would stop beginning work, and instead, start finishing work
B. he amount of work done by the end of the Sprint would be reduced
C. ncreased collaboration/swarming between the Developers
D. elf-management would be strengthened as a result of increased transparency
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, C, D
السؤال #6
Which are three attributes of a bad bug report?
A. ague statements or untested assumptions
B. ssigning blame
C. eneric titles
D. imple and repeatable reproduction steps
E. ne bug per report
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, B, C
السؤال #7
The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to:(choose the best two answers)
A. oordinate the activities of all the Scrum Teams in a Nexus
B. iscover all the dependencies between Product Backlog items
C. nsure all teams are committing to the right work
D. reate a plan for the Sprint
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, D
السؤال #8
You are part of Team A which is working on requirement #3. Team B is working on Requirement #6 which is very similar to yours. Your team discovered a limitation which would make it impossible to implement requirement #3.When and who should you inform?
A. Bring it up in Nexus Sprint Retrospective
B. Wait for Team B to discover the issue on their own
C. Bring it up in Nexus Sprint Review
D. Bring it up in Nexus Daily Scrum
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: D
السؤال #9
Which statements are true when multiple Scrum Teams work on a product at the same time?(choose the best two answers)
A. he different Scrum Teams coordinate their work to deliver a single Increment
B. ach Scrum Team develops one or more product components which the Nexus\rIntegration team uses to assemble the Integrated Increment
C. he Developers must integrate their work before the end of the Sprint
D. hey are all on the same Scrum Team
E. he Scrum of Scrums assembles the components into an Integrated Increment
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, C
السؤال #10
How long is the daily scrum?
A. he scrum master ends the meeting when it is done
B. his is for the developers to decide
C. t most 15 minutes
D. t least 15 minutes
E. round 15 minutes, but more if necessary The timebox for the daily scrum is 15 minutes
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: C
السؤال #11
Which three describe TDD?
A. n incremental and emergent approach to software design
B. software development technique based on automated tests
C. predictable way to develop working well-organized code
D. reating a manual test script before writing code
E. aving testers involved in the development process
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, B, C
السؤال #12
Scenario B: Six Team Nexus with complex dependenciesA six team Nexus is developing a complex product, with different parts of the product that onlycertain Scrum Teams can work on. In fact, there are some highly specialized individuals outsidethe Nexus that are required for some of the work. In past Sprints the Nexus encounteredchallenges dealing with the many dependencies between Scrum Teams.Which of the following two strategies would be most effective in dealing with theirdependencies?(choose the best two
A. iscover and document dependent work during Cross-Team Refinement of the Product Backlog, so teams are aware of dependencies before Nexus Sprint Planning
B. ave the Nexus Integration Team order the Nexus Sprint Backlog
C. uring Nexus Sprint Planning, have appropriate representatives from each team in the Nexus briefly meet to discuss dependencies for the upcoming Sprint
D. ather all people in the Nexus into a 48-hour Nexus Sprint Planning event
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, C
السؤال #13
The purpose of the Nexus Integration Team is to:(choose the best two answers)
A. aise transparency
B. anage the Nexus
C. e accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced
D. ntegrate the work of the Scrum Teams
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, C
السؤال #14
07.?The Nexus Team has failed to meet the Nexus Sprint Goal for two sprints in a row. What are the possible reasons for this?(Select two best answers)
A. Nexus Integration Team is not coordinating the work among the developers
B. Definition of Done has too stringent
C. There is technical debt in the product
D. Developers are struggling to integrate their work
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: C, D
السؤال #15
Who has overall responsibility for ensuring Nexus Sprint Retrospective occurs?(choose the best answer)
A. he Scrum Master on the Nexus Integration Team
B. ny Scrum Master from the Nexus
C. he Nexus Integration Team
D. he Developers
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: C
السؤال #16
In a Nexus Sprint Review, the Stakeholders are not satisfied because the Integrated increment was not shown. Individuals showed all their individual Increments.Which of the following options is / are true?
A. The Stakeholders were not satisfied because the Nexus Goal was not met
B. Showing an integrated increment is needed during Nexus Sprint Review, for the Nexus Sprint Goal to be met
C. The Stakeholders were not satisfied because the right team of attendees might not be involved
D. None of the above
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, B
السؤال #17
Scenario A: Nexus Sprint Review with Five Scrum TeamsThere are five Scrum Teams working on a product. During the Nexus Sprint Review, the teamspresent the results of the Sprint. After introductions, each team takes time to present their workfor inspection by individually showing the new features they have built. They are not using ashared environment. The stakeholders do not provide much feedback. The event ends andpeople filter out of the room.What could help this Nexus create a single Integrated Increment
A. eserve the last few days of the Sprint for testing and integration
B. nforce a Definition of Done across the entire Nexus that includes integration
C. ave the Nexus Integration Team integrate all the work as early as possible
D. ave a Sprint dedicated to integration
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: B
السؤال #18
Which statements are true when multiple Scrum Teams work on a product at the same time?(choose the best two answers)
A. he different Scrum Teams coordinate their work to deliver a single Increment
B. ach Scrum Team develops one or more product components which the Nexus Integration team uses to assemble the Integrated Increment
C. he Developers must integrate their work before the end of the Sprint
D. hey are all on the same Scrum Team
E. he Scrum of Scrums assembles the components into an Integrated Increment
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, C
السؤال #19
Which of the following are leading indicator metrics?(choose the best two answers)
A. ycle Time
B. ervice Level Expectation
C. ork in Progress
D. ork Item Aging
E. onte Carlo
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: C, D
السؤال #20
What is time-boxing?
A. period of intense activity within a particular release
B. etting an upper time limit and planning the activities within that limit
C. ight planning focused on reducing the time required for any activity
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: B
السؤال #21
Which statement best describes a product owner's responsibility?
A. eeping stakeholders at bay
B. ptimizing the value of the developers' work
C. anaging the project and ensuring the work gets done in line with the requirements
D. irecting the developers
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: B
السؤال #22
What is the usual length of the time box for the complete Sprint Planning meeting?
A. our hours for a 30 day Sprint, one to two hours for a shorter Sprint
B. owever long it takes to complete the Sprint Backlog
C. ever more than two hours, regardless of Sprint length
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A
السؤال #23
What should the Developers do if, during the Sprint, the Product Owner asks them to add anurgent unplanned work item that aligns to the Sprint Goal but does not fit into the current Workin Progress (WIP) Limits?(choose the two best answers)
A. dd the urgent item to their Sprint Backlog but only start working on it when their WIP Limits allow it
B. djust the WIP Limits to allow for taking on the extra item and record it as part of their Definition of Workflow
C. ake on the urgent item as an exception to the WIP Limits and visualize that they are above their WIP Limit
D. eject the urgent item since the WIP Limits do not allow it
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, C
السؤال #24
What is a mock object?
A. mock helps you create a build script
B. ocks, stubs, dummies, fakes and shims are all the same
C. mock is a way to initialize the database for testing
D. test object that mimics the behavior of a dependency in the system under test
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: D
السؤال #25
A cumulative flow diagram can show you:(Choose the best two answers)
A. he total amount of Work in Progress (WIP) for a specific date
B. he average Throughput for a specific date range
C. he Cycle Time for an item that completed on a specific date
D. he exact average Cycle Time for all items completed on a specific date
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A, C
السؤال #26
Which of the following best describe continuous integration?
A. software development practice used by integration teams to create best practice branching and merging strategies
B. software development practice that continuously integrates feedback from users in the software design
C. software development practice where developers all work on the same computer to assure a common codebase
D. software development practice where developers integrate and verify their work frequently, often multiple times a day, to detect integration errors as quickly as possible
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: D
السؤال #27
How does Nexus relate to Scrum?
A. Nexus is an “Unit of development” and hardly relates to Scrum
B. Nexus is just a part of the Scrum framework
C. Nexus uses Scrum as its building block
D. Nexus and Scrum are two different frameworks addressing complex adaptive problems in different ways
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: C

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