Before planning, executing and completing a project, you will hire a project manager to manage it. Project managers are considered difficult positions to fill. They need a wide range of skills, from methodological knowledge to mastering communication skills.
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Here are the 13 best interview questions for project managers:
1. How would you manage team members that aren’t working to their full extent?
Sometimes, no matter how much due diligence you will put into assembling a skilled and experienced team for the project, specific individuals underperform or create divergence. While the project would be rolling, you don’t have time for stopping and tweaking your team. Instead, the project managers are required to deal with the problem as well as resolve it. This would come up with even the best team, so any capable project manager would know how to nip underperformance in the bud.
2. How would you deal when you’re underperforming or overwhelmed?
It is relatively easy to forget that project managers are human beings, too. They are hired to lead and perform a project to success, but they could suffer the same setbacks as anyone facing the team. The difference between a good and great project manager is considered to be the ability to monitor oneself and responding proactively to any drop-offs in performance.
3. How are you going to work with customers, sponsors, as well as stakeholders?
Even project managers are required to answer to someone. Responding to executives and stakeholders would be needing a different approach than the one they would utilize with teams and vendors. Part of their duties possesses managing stakeholders who would be holding a position of authority over the project manager. That would take a subtle touch.
4. How giant are the pyramids in Egypt?
You may come across Talk about not being prepared. Who would be going into a job interview with this information going in their head? You don’t wish for an accurate answer to this question, but you want to see how the project manager would be dealing thoughtfully and critically.
5. Do you go seeking help outside of the project team?
Some project managers are going to think you wish to be the person who is wholly independent and pulls from an inner-reservoir. Fair enough. But more resourceful is the project manager who would know when they are going to roll over their head and asks for help from a network of professionals or a mentor.
6. Do you delegate?
You better be good at delegation. The last thing you wish is a project manager who would be carrying everything on their shoulders. That’s insane. But this is a bit of a trick question or at least one that would have an implicit question embedded in it. What you wish to know isn’t whether they delegate, but how they would be delegating. This is considered to be a great way to weed out the micromanagers.
7. What’s the biggest mistake you might have made on a project?
Everyone makes mistakes; character is believed to be defined by how you will deal with them. This question would be able to allow you to first gauging the candidate’s honesty. If they would be saying that they would have never made a mistake, you could rest assured that they aren’t truthful, and their resume could go into the circular file. However, when they would be telling you about the mistake they’ve made, note if they would have taken responsibility for the same or not. It will reveal their level of maturity and also check how they resolved it.
8. How did your last project finished?
This question is all about discovering any lessons they would have learned from that project. Everything is considered a learning experience, and each project offers courses from which a good project manager would grow.
9. How do you prioritize tasks on a project?
Prioritization is considered to be necessary. There will be more work in a day than could be accomplished, so any good project manager would have to determine what is considered crucial and what could be left undone if essential. It would prove interesting as well as informative to see how the candidate makes these decisions.
10. What project management software would you prefer?
A project manager requires tools for planning, monitoring, and reporting on the project. There are going to be lots of questions, from simple to more complex. This question would be able to reveal first how advanced the candidate is regarding software and tools of project management. Additionally, it would be able to provide a picture of what tools and processes they would be utilized for managing a project.
11. What would be your preferred project management methodology?
There are almost as many ways for managing a project as there are projects. From traditional methods such as a waterfall to hybrid methodologies, you wish a project manager would understand the many working ways.
12. How would you gain agreement with teams?
Where there are people, there are going to be conflicts, and even the best projects are going to have people problems. Good teams collaborate as well as trust one another. If there is a problem between two or more team members, it must be resolved quickly.
13. What would be something you don’t wish us to know?
It isn’t that you wish to learn some secret or catch them in an unethical act. Less important than the content of their answer would be the way they deal with the question. You would be getting a better picture of the person instead of the persona they would be presenting. It would also demonstrate their communication skills while under pressure.
Therefore, these are some of the best project manager interview questions, and if you want to learn more about it, you must get the SPOTO PMP exam dump and realize your dream of passing the PMP certification.

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