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نصائح اجتياز امتحان الشهادة

آخر أخبار الامتحانات ومعلومات الخصم

برعاية وحديثة من قبل خبرائنا

نعم، أرسل لي النشرة الإخبارية

خذ اختبارات أخرى عبر الإنترنت

السؤال #1
01. According to PWC, how many patients are willing to meet with a physician on video?
A. alendarsstoremeetingnotes
B. llmeetingsareautomaticallyrecorded
C. persistentvirtualmeetingroomisestablished
D. achCiscosystemcomeswith10hoursofremotemeetingmanagement
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: C
السؤال #2
03. How does Cisco make work streams easier after a meeting?
A. howthemthatJabberisbetterthanSkype
B. xplainthatSkypetorBusinesscannotmeetalloftheirneeds,andtheywilleventuallyhaveto"ripandreplace"
C. xplainthatCisco'svideosolutionsinteroperatewithmostdevicesincludingSkypeforBusiness,sotheywon'thaveto"ripandreplace"
D. ffertocutyourprice
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: C
السؤال #3
Where can you find links to upcoming informational webinars, training resources, and other helpful partner resource links?
A. isco Collaboration Community
B. ollaboration Page for Partners
C. efresh Collab Website
D. roject Workplace
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: B
السؤال #4
What can a Cisco solution enable a travel leader line of business customer to do?
A. eep employees up-to-date on regulatory requirements
B. rovide a face-to-face experience that makes the work stream productive
C. mprove access to primary and specialist caregivers
D. mprove supply chain agility through improved partner and supplier relationships via face-to-face video
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: D
السؤال #5
02. What is a vertical approach to selling?
A. CiscoCollaborationCommunity
B. ollaborationPageforPartne
C. rojectWorkplace
D. efreshCollabWebsite
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: A
السؤال #6
What can a Cisco solution enable a travel leader line of business customer to do?
A. eep employees up-to-date on regulatory requirements
B. rovide a face-to-face experience that makes the work stream productive
C. mprove access to primary and specialist caregivers
D. mprove supply chain agility through improved partner and supplier relationships via face-to-face video
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: D
السؤال #7
What is a function of a recording solution?
A. o act as a traffic cop for network communication
B. o schedule calls
C. o provide an audio and video interface for the user
D. o share lectures, training sessions, meetings and events on demand
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: D
السؤال #8
What is a unique feature of Expressway?
A. upport of unified communications with contact center
B. essage, meet and calling for cloud-based solutions
C. ersistent content available to room participants
D. irewall traversal for premise based solutions
عرض الإجابة
اجابة صحيحة: D

عرض الإجابات بعد التقديم

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