我們都很清楚,IT 行業的一個主要問題是缺乏高質量的學習材料。我們的考試準備材料爲您提供了參加認證考試所需的一切。我們的 Cisco 500-560 考試將爲您提供經過驗證的真實答案和問題,涵蓋實際考試內容。
我們都很清楚,IT 行業的一個主要問題是缺乏高質量的學習材料。我們的考試準備材料爲您提供了參加認證考試所需的一切。我們的 Cisco 500-560 考試將爲您提供經過驗證的真實答案和問題,涵蓋實際考試內容。
1.0 Switching Overview and Features (15% )
1.1 Understand the market for switching portfolio
1.2 Explain the switching product portfolio and the solutions it enables
1.3 Identify the tools and resources available for switching
2.0 Routing Overview and Features (15%)
2.1 Understand the routing overview
2.2 Describe the routing product portfolio
2.3 Explain the routing positioning
2.4 Identify the tools and resources available
3.0 Wireless Overview and Features (25%)
3.1 Identify Cisco’s products in the wireless market
3.2 Describe and explain the Cisco wireless product portfolio and positioning
3.3 Describe, explain, and identify Cisco Mobility Express, wireless LAN controller, and access points features
3.4 Define the features and benefits of Cisco DNA Spaces
3.5 Define the features and benefits of Cisco DNA Assurance
4.0 Meraki Overview and Products (35%)
4.1 Describe Meraki MX product mix and solutions
4.2 Describe Meraki MS product mix and solutions
4.3 Describe Meraki MR product mix and solutions
4.4 Describe Meraki SM product mix and solutions
4.5 Describe Meraki MV product mix and solutions
4.6 Explain Meraki licensing, support, and warranty
4.7 Identify the Meraki sales cycle
5.0 Security Overview and Features (10%)
5.1 Describe the Branch Threat Defense Umbrella
5.2 Explain threat-centric security approach and security architecture
成功案例 世界在線 500-560 垃圾桶
持有認證的專業人士可比未認證的同儕多賺取高達 40% 的收入。
成功案例 世界在線 500-560 垃圾桶