The PMP certification can be considered very resourceful if you would be already working in the project management field. This ensures you a better future and helps you find better opportunities in the same industry. The PMP certification is becoming popular, and according to the statistics, there are more than one million professionals who have passed the PMP certification test. Even still, there are almost more than two million project-oriented jobs that require managers to handle the project every year. Therefore, we can see clear evidence of getting promoted by taking the PMP certification test and boosting our career to the next level.

Here are some of the critical roles that can heap the highest paying job in the project management industry. The salaries can be even more than 200K USD depending on the position you have qualified for.  

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Project Management Office: The PMO managers enjoy vital positions as well. They are entitled to the highest paying grades as compared to the other project managers.

They are usually engaged with the budgeting, scheduling, and managing other project managers associated with the projects. Their salaries vary between 100K to 200K depending on their nature of the job. 

Project Management related to construction: Project managers working in construction-related projects have to manage different remote sites meaning that they have to move to and fro between these multiple construction projects. They are entitled to a salary of 100K to 150K; however, their job is demanding, and they require experience related to multiple trades. 

Project Management Consultants: These are the individuals doing consultancy with many project management firms. They usually make around as close as 150K or more depending on how many projects they manage during the year. 

Project Managers: Their income ranges approximately from USD 110,000 to 140,000, depending upon the industry. Here is an overview of the salary slab according to the industry:

  1. Engineering project management professionals usually make an average salary of USD 124,434 per annum, depending on their career level and job experience.
  2. Aerospace project management professionals’ average annual salary can be around USD 129,732.
  3. Pharmaceutical project management professionals are making an average salary of around USD 133,246 per year while at their jobs.
  4. Consulting project management professionals with an average annual salary of USD 134,149.
  5. Resource project management professionals with an average annual salary of USD 134,577.

These salaries might tend to jump because of the rise in demands for PMP-certified professionals. So anyone considering the PMP certification should start preparing for the PMP certification test. The preparation can be done from the official study guide PMBOK provided by the PMI. Besides taking notes from the official guide, the individuals can also help other resources like practicing the exam dumps. The individuals can take help from SPOTO dumps as well for the preparation of their PMP exam.

Once they get fully confident about their winning, almost all of the course is covered, then they should get the exam date and take the exam.

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Last modified: November 5, 2024



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