If you are looking forward to gaining the PMP Certification without obtaining the experience, we would say that the answer to this question is absolute no. You wouldn’t be able to appear in the PMP certification exam without experience.

But not let it discourage you. Instead, you should spend a little time understanding why the PMI (Project Management Institute) has this requirement and what it would mean for you. Also, after you have completed the requirements, passing PMP will be another hurdle, for which you could take the help of the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps. Thus, do check out the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps before you apply for PMP Certification Exam.

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Why is Project Management Experience Needed?

To become a PMP Professional, you will require exhibiting your understanding of both project management methodology and practical work experience.

PMI, which is considered the governing body of the exam, desires to ensure that a certified PMP would translate what has been written in books to what it would mean in real-life practice. This would be allowing the PMI and those employers who respect the organization to be confident in the skills of candidates who would be holding a PMP.

Look it like this way: you wouldn’t allow a doctor who had just passed a paper test and lack the practical experience to operate on you! Instead, you would wish to have a doctor who would have logged many, many hours of practice on patients under supervision as well as successfully cleared the paper test. We could rest easier knowing that our doctor possesses the knowledge of best practices and how to utilize those in real-life situations.

Ultimately, PMI will require you to have anywhere from 2 to 3 and half years of real-life experience, which depends on your educational background.

What Does it Mean for You?

If you do not meet the experience requirements, don’t worry; you could go for an alternative option for you, which is also good. PMI has formulated a first step certification for those ready to progress in their project management career. With under a year of experience, you would sit for the CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) Certification exam.

The CAPM certification demonstrates to the employers that you have invested in project management, which could allow you more time for managing projects. With this additional experience, you would soon be ready for the upcoming PMP exam.

While it might be disappointing to learn that you require experience to complete your PMP certification, you now know that once you would be eligible for the PMP and complete it, you would possess all the skills obligatory to be an extraordinary project manager!

Do not forget that whether CAPM or PMP isn’t going to be an easy journey, you could ease it if you obtain the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps into your arsenal.

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Last modified: November 6, 2024



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