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NO.1 Which of the following is MOST likely to be spoofed in an email transmission?
A. The identity of the receiving host
B. The identity of the sender
C. The path the message traveled through the Internet
D. The identity of the sending host
Answer: B
NO.2 Which of the following is the most significant step in developing an effective IT governance action plan?
A. Measuring IT governance key performance indicators (KPIs)
B. Setting up an IT governance framework for the process
C. Conducting a business impact analysis (BIA)
D. Preparing a statement of sensitivity
Answer: B
NO.3 Which of the following BEST helps to ensure data integrity across system interfaces?
A. Reconciliations
B. System backups
C. Environment segregation
D. Access controls
Answer: D
NO.4 Which of the following is MOST helpful when establishing the authenticity of digital evidence collected from a hard disk?
A. Bit-by-bit image of the hard disk
B. Confirmation by witnesses
C. Mash of the files on the hard disk
D. Chain of custody documentation
Answer: A
NO.5 Which of the following would an IS auditor consider to be the MOST significant risk associated with a project to re-engineer a business process?
A. The negative impact of change may not be documented.
B. The project manager is inexperienced in information systems.
C. Existing baseline processes may not be reported to management.
D. Existing controls may be weakened or removed.
Answer: D
NO.6 Which of the following areas are the MOST likely cause of an application producing several erroneous reports?
A. A deficiency in patch management
B. A deficiency in user acceptance testing
C. A deficiency in IT resource allocation
D. A deficiency in database administration
Answer: B
NO.7 In reviewing the IT strategic plan, the IS auditor should consider whether it identifies the:
A. major IT initiatives.
B. project management methodologies used.
C. links to operational, tactical plans.
D. allocation of IT staff.
Answer: C
NO.8 While evaluating an organization’s program for tracking system interfaces and data transfers, the IS auditor notices the program does not record some of the ad hoc transfers that occur. Which of the following is the GREATEST potential risk?
A. No repudiation controls may be Ineffective or nonexistent.
B. Peer-to-peer data transfers may not be encrypted.
C. Management reports may be Incomplete.
D. Some ad hoc transfers may not use secure FTP sites.
Answer: C
NO.9 Which of the following IT processes is likely to have the GREATEST inherent regulatory risk?
A. IT resource management
B. IT project management
C. Data management
D. Capacity management
Answer: C
NO.10 One advantage of monetary unit sampling is the fact that:
A. it increases the likelihood of selecting material items from the population,
B. it can easily be applied manually when computer resources are not available
C. large-value population items are segregated and audited separately
D. results are stated in terms of the frequency of items in error
Answer: C
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