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1. A project just completed acceptance testing, and two percent of identified issues are still pending. Even though these are non-critical issues, some stakeholders are reluctant to accept the deliverables. Therefore, the project cannot proceed to the next phase.
What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

A. Asked the project sponsor for a higher authority to approve the deliverables, even with pending non-critical issues
B. Conducted more quality control procedures during development to prevent the problems before acceptance testing
C. Defined more lenient control limits so that all deliverables passed acceptance testing
D. Clearly explained the acceptance criteria in the project scope statement
Answer: D

2. A company is about to fund a new project to develop a product for which the technical experts and business analysts have no previous experience. The project manager creates a list of facts and assumptions to develop possible solutions.
What should the project manager do before submitting the project charter for approval?

A. Review the lessons learned from all projects in the company.
B. Evaluate and challenge the project selection
C. Accept the assumptions as facts and submit the project charter for approval.
D. Apply expert judgment from field experts.
Answer: B

3. A financier is considering investing money in a future luxury hotel located in a country with economic problems. After several meetings with the company’s market intelligence manager who will develop this hotel, the financier remains skeptical about investing in this project.
What should the project manager provide to convince the financier?

A. A business case that provides forecasts for economic conditions.
B. A project plan that considers inflation and gross domestic product (GDP) forecasts.
C. The project’s net present value (NPV).
D. A scope development plan.
Answer: A

4. A project manager has concluded the review and approval processes for a project’s key deliverables. The project manager now needs to prepare a report on product quality and project performance for key stakeholders.
What should the project manager use to prepare this?

A. Quality inspection reports and the lessons learned repository
B. Quality metrics and project deliverables
C. Quality control measurements and work performance information
D. Data analysis and work performance data
Answer: C

5. A planned increase in raw material costs for a specific procurement item failed to occur. What should the project manager do first?

A. Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process.
B. Research the reasons for the deviation
C. Perform a reserve analysis.
D. Inform the sponsor.
Answer: C

6. While conducting a quantitative risk analysis, the project manager and the risk management team discover new risk events. What should the project manager do with these recent risk events?

A. Record them on a watch list for future monitoring,
B. Incorporate them into the risk breakdown structure (RBS).
C. Please include them in the risk management plan.
D. Add them to the risk register.
Answer: D

7. A multinational company is locally developing a digital product using a new technology platform. The only expert on this platform is located in the company’s headquarters, and they are responsible for providing support to different countries.
How can the local project manager ensure the involvement of this expert?

A. Ask the project sponsor to assign the expert as a full-time member of the team.
B. Include the expert on the unit using a virtual environment.
C. Ask team members to contact the expert as an external expertise source on an as-needed basis.
D. Design a travel schedule so that timely, onsite assistance can be provided.
Answer: B

8. Delays from two software vendors are causing testing times to be reduced to meet the deadline. Any impact on the delivery date is impossible, as all project resources will be reassigned to other tasks after the project closing.
What should the project manager do?

A. Deliver the project as planned without completing testing from these two vendors.
B. Add resources to conduct testing only until the proper quality standards are achieved.
C. Create a change request to add the resources needed to complete testing.
D. Negotiate with the vendors causing the delay to provide additional testing resources to meet the deadline.
Answer: D

9. A project team completes the identification of project and product requirements. Which of the following were used to accomplish this?

A. Work breakdown structure (WBS). trend analysis and observation/conversation
B. Benchmarking, network diagram, and trend analysis
C. Brainstorming, affinity diagrams, and mind mapping
D. Affinity diagrams, benchmarking and observation/conversation
Answer: C

10. What should the project manager use to compare different suppliers and rate their proposals?

A. Bidder conferences
B. Bid documents
C. Qualified seller lists
D. Evaluation criteria
Answer: B

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Last modified: February 5, 2025



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