Based on the 6th edition of the PMBOK® Guide Exam and updated for the 2020 PMP exam!

PMP Test Questions For Practice & Preparation
The most critical PMP exam preparation activity is to answer as many example questions as possible. To help you, we developed this free preparation test. These questions come from the PMP exam simulator; they are based on the latest valid PMP exam.

Question1-Qid 613134, Cost Management, Planning, 7.3 Determine Budget
While looking at the project cost baseline graph shown below, a project manager sees that the stair-step line’s last point is higher than the estimate at completion (EAC). What does this relationship mean for the project?

PMP Test Questions

A. The project is running over budget
B. The management reserve is too large
C. Total funding for the project exceeds the project’s anticipated needs
D. The project is behind schedule

Question 2-Qid 610004, Integration Management, Initiating, 4.1 Develop Project Charter
Your company has just been awarded the contract for an important research project. The CEO of your company has asked you, as the project manager, to create the project charter and send it to her so that she can review and approve it. To create the project charter, you need the project’s statement of work (SOW). What should you do?
A.Create the SOW yourself since you are the project manager
B. Look for the SOW in your organizational process assets (OPAs)
C. Ask your customer to provide you with the SOW
D. Ask your CEO to provide you with the SOW

Question3-Qid 610005, Stakeholder Management, Initiating, 13.1 Identify Stakeholders
A project manager is leading a project to investigate the feasibility of constructing a dam to generate hydroelectric power. The project needs to be analyzed from a technical, economic, and social point of view. The project manager has created the project charter on behalf of the project sponsor, and it is now approved. Which of the following processes should be performed next?
A. Develop Project Management Plan
B. Identify Risks
C. Identify Stakeholders
D. Develop Project Charter

Question4-Qid 610006, Stakeholder Management, Initiating, 13.1 Identify Stakeholders
You are managing a software upgrade project for your company. Your project sponsor has a great deal of authority regarding project decisions, but you recently discovered that he doesn’t have much interest in your project. To complete the project successfully, you need your project sponsor’s continuous support. What stakeholder management strategy should you use with your project sponsor?
A. Keep the sponsor satisfied
B.Manage the sponsor closely
C.Monitor the sponsor’s actions
4. Keep the sponsor informed

Question5-Qid 610008, Scope Management, Planning, 5.2 Collect Requirements
A project manager is leading the construction of a new office building. The project sponsor asks the project manager to email him a project document that was presented during the last project status meeting. The project sponsor states that he has forgotten the name of the document, but he remembers it contained the description, owner, source, priority, and status of product requirements. Which project document is the project sponsor requesting?

A.The requirements management plan
B.The requirements traceability matrix
C.The scope management plan
D.The work breakdown structure (WBS)

Question6-Qid 610011, Schedule Management, Planning, 6.2 Define Activities
You are facing problems decomposing the testing work package into the final activities required to complete the work package. Detailed testing plans and activities cannot be determined until the system is at least 50% developed and more details become available. The system development work package will take at least three months to complete. What is the best way to resolve this problem?
A.Use product analysis techniques such as product breakdown and systems analysis to decompose the system testing work package
B.Decompose the system development work package now and decompose the system testing work package later
C.Break down the project into multiple phases so that the system testing work package goes into the second project phase
D.Consult the project management plan to determine what to do in this situation

Question7-Qid 610014, Integration Management, Planning, 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
You are managing a project in Alaska to extend an existing oil pipeline, and you are about to start project planning. Due to the large size of the project along with the regulatory and environmental considerations, the development of a detailed project management plan will be critical. As a starting point for initial project planning, what is the first thing you should do?
A.Conduct a project kick-off meeting to inform and engage stakeholders and gain commitment
B.Review the project charter to understand the high-level information about the project
C.Begin the process of identifying stakeholders so they can be engaged as necessary for project planning
D. Share the project scope statement with the project team for a common understanding of project deliverables

Question8-Qid 610021, Scope Management, Planning, 5.2 Collect Requirements
You are a project manager planning a project to develop a new payroll system, and you are currently in the process of determining, documenting, and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives. A project stakeholder has suggested that it would be helpful to have a visual depiction showing how people and other systems will interact with the new payroll system. You like the idea and want to address it. What is the best way to implement a stakeholder’s suggestion?
A.Develop a context diagram
B.Design an affinity diagram
C.Create a fishbone diagram
D.Build a matrix diagram

Question9-Qid 610029, Resource Management, Executing, 9.4 Develop Team
Recently, you promoted your star programmer, Sam, to lead the development team. Sam was a fantastic software coder, and you thought the promotion would mean that he could now share his expertise with the other development team members. However, you are surprised to learn that the performance of Sam in his new role is not meeting your expectations. Which empirical rule did you forget while considering the promotion of Sam?
A.Expectancy theory
B.Peter principle
C.Pareto concept
D.Murphy’s law

Question 10-Qid 610032, Communications Management, Monitoring & Controlling, 10.3 Monitor Communications
You have just taken over a project to overhaul the company’s telecommunications network. During your first week, you determine that the engineers spend at least 80% of their time responding to unexpected requests for information from different project stakeholders. Because of these interruptions, your engineers cannot focus on their assigned project activities, which is resulting in frequent network outages. What should you do first?
A. Immediately tell the engineers to stop responding to unexpected requests since it is not their responsibility
B.Push the engineers to respond to all the requests faster so that they can perform their assigned project activities
C. Ask the engineers to forward all stakeholder inquiries to you so that they can focus on their originally planned tasks
D. Review the communications management plan to understand how stakeholder requests should be handled

Finally, SPOTO is a leader in IT training courses that cover all exam answers and questions. Millions of candidates have passed the exam and get their certified in the first try. If you want to boost your career and get a high-level income, and you can take the PMP certified now!

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Last modified: November 5, 2021



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