SPOTO updates the CCSK certified exam demos that cover all real exam answers and questions. SPOTO has helped some thousand candidates pass the CCSK certified exam. The following is the demos:
Who is responsible for the security of the physical infrastructure and virtualization platform?
A. The cloud consumer
B. The majority is covered by the consumer
C. It depends on the agreement
D. The responsibility is split equally
E. The cloud provider
Correct Answer: E
What factors should you understand about the data specifically due to legal, regulatory, and jurisdictional
A. The physical location of the data and how it is accessed
B. The fragmentation and encryption algorithms employed
C. The language of the data and how it affects the user
D. The implications of storing complex information on simple storage systems
E. The actual size of the data and the storage format
Correct Answer: D
Which cloud-based service model enables companies to provide client-based access for partners to
databases or applications?
A. Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
B. Desktop-as-a-service (DaaS)
C. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
D. Identity-as-a-service (IDaaS)
E. Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
Correct Answer: A
CCM: The following list of controls belong to which domain of the CCM?
GRM 06 – Policy GRM 07 – Policy Enforcement GRM 08 – Policy Impact on Risk Assessments GRM 09 –
Policy Reviews GRM 10 – Risk Assessments GRM 11 – Risk Management Framework
A. Governance and Retention Management
B. Governance and Risk Management
C. Governing and Risk Metrics
Correct Answer: B
Which attack surfaces, if any, does virtualization technology introduce?
A. The hypervisor
B. Virtualization management components apart from the hypervisor
C. Configuration and VM sprawl issues
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: D
APIs and web services require extensive hardening and must assume attacks from authenticated and
unauthenticated adversaries.
A. False
B. True
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following is NOT a cloud computing characteristic that impacts incidence response?
A. The on demand self-service nature of cloud computing environments.
B. Privacy concerns for co-tenants regarding the collection and analysis of telemetry and artifacts
associated with an incident.
C. The possibility of data crossing geographic or jurisdictional boundaries.
D. Object-based storage in a private cloud.
E. The resource pooling practiced by cloud services, in addition to the rapid elasticity offered by cloud
Correct Answer: B
Big data includes high volume, high variety, and high velocity.
A. False
B. True
Correct Answer: B
A defining set of rules composed of claims and attributes of the entities in a transaction, which is used to
determine their level of access to cloud-based resources is called what?
A. An entitlement matrix
B. A support table
C. An entry log
D. A validation process
E. An access log
Correct Answer: D
Cloud applications can use virtual networks and other structures, for hyper-segregated environments.
A. False
B. True
Correct Answer: B
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