What is PMP? This question may be in your mind before you decide to take the project management professional pmp exam. This article will answer this question and give you a general understanding of the Project Management Professional Certification. If you want to gain suitable study materials, exam dumps, and practice tests, you can refer to SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps, through which you can pass the PMP exam successfully.


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What is PMP certification?

PMP Certification or the Project Management Professional Certification is a globally recognized professional certification. It is provided by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which is a US non-profit professional organization. A well-respected and recognized credential, PMP would be considered efficient for the project managers. You need 35 hours of project management education for applying for pmp certification exam. Also, you should earn 60 professional development units for recertification. The PMP certification exam fee is $405 for PMI members.

What is PMP certification exam about?

PMP Certification Exam is about the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), with industry standards. It would be also utilized as the guide for testing aspirants. So, what is PMP Certification exam, the answer to this question would be to tests the applicants on tasks out of five performance domains which are mentioned below:

  1.    Initiating the project (13%)
  2.    Planning the project (24%)
  3.    Executing the project (31%)
  4.    Monitoring and controlling the project (25%)
  5.    Closing the project (7%)

However, the new PMP (Project Management Professional Certification) exam is based on three domains from 2 January 2021, which are defined in the PMP Exam Content Outline (ECO). The new PMP exam will require candidates to have experience in and answer questions from the following three domains:

  • People (42%)
  • Process (50%)
  • Business Environment (8%)

In each of these three domains, the exam content outline lists the task (what our project manager does) and the enabler (the actions we take to accomplish the task).

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Project Management Process:

The Project Management Process would be consisting of about 5 phases of project management which would be including initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and project closure. The Project Management Institute (PMI) originally would have developed these five phases of the Project Management Process.

  • Project Initiation Phase – a project is formally begun, named, as well as defined at a broad level during this phase. Project sponsors as well as other important stakeholders due diligently decide whether or not to be committed to a project. Depending on the nature of the project, feasibility studies would be conducted.
  • Project Planning Phase – a project management plan would be developed comprehensively of individual plans for cost, quality, duration, scope, communication, risk as well as resources. A plan for managing identified and unidentified risks would be determined as this might be affecting the aspects of a project later on.
  • Project Execution Phase – a project deliverable is completed and developed, adhering to a mapped-out plan. A lot of tasks during this phase would be capturing the project metrics through tasks such as status meetings and project status updates, other status reports, human resource needs, as well as performance reports. This is considered to be an important phase, as it would help you in understanding whether your project would be a success or failure.
  • Project Controlling and Monitoring Phase – occurring at the same time as the execution phase, this one would be dealing mostly with measuring the project performance as well as progression in accordance to the project plan. Scope verification and control occur to monitor and check for scope creep and change 0of control to track as well as managing the changes to project requirement. For preventing project failure, consider why projects are likely to fail and the ways to avoid failure.
  • Project Closure Phase – A project is considered to be formally closed. It would include a series of important tasks such as delivering the product, relieving resources, rewarding team members, as well as formal termination of contractors in case they were employed on the project

Along with the above-mentioned tips, you must also obtain the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps and pmp training for gaining your PMP Certification in your very first attempt.

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Last modified: November 5, 2024



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