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"Can I skip the HCIA,HCIP,HCIE? How about the gold content?"

Mr. Li

CCIE# 6318*

Settle a problem:205


You can skip the exam, but it is recommended to take the exam in the order from HCIA to HCIE, because each level has its own knowledge system and skill requirements, which need to be learned and mastered step by step. Regarding the gold content, the certification system of Huawei Certified Engineer (HC) is a leading comprehensive certification program in the domestic network industry with high gold content. HCIA (Huawei Certified Junior Network Engineer) exam is mainly oriented to the basic knowledge training of network engineers, including network fundamentals, routing and switching, security and wireless, etc.; HCIP (Huawei Certified Intermediate Network Engineer) exam focuses on the practical application ability and problem solving of network engineers. HCIP (Huawei Certified Intermediate Network Engineer) exam is more focused on the practical application of network engineers and problem-solving ability, need to have more solid professional knowledge and practical experience; HCIE (Huawei Certified Expert Network Engineer) is the highest level of Huawei Certified Engineer certification system, but also the Huawei Certified Engineer certification system in the most authoritative certification in the field of network has a very high degree of recognition. Therefore, for people who want to be able to develop in the field of networking, these certifications have considerable value and gold.

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